
This page provides access to various forms. Additional forms may be introduced as necessary throughout the course.

Opt-Out Form for Final Exam

If you do not wish to take the final exam, please fill out this form to avoid receiving an X grade and involving your academic dean.

Regrade Request

NOTE: EXAM regrades should be submitted through Gradescope. Go to the problem you want to be regraded and then look for regrade at the bottom right of the window. Assignment hand-graded portions should also be submitted through Gradescope. All other regrade requests can be submitted using the form linked below.

Regrade Request Form

Extension Request for an APT or Assignment

If you are sick, an athlete traveling, or want to use one of your four free extensions, you can fill out this form to request an extension.

If you do get behind, you need to catch up fast. This is a difficult course to catch up in if you get behind, so you don’t want to get too far behind. We have several items due each week.

Note: There are no extensions for Labs, PIs, and Reading Quizzes. In all three cases, we assume you will miss a few, and we drop a few of these grades at the end of the semester.

Extension Request Form

Make an Appointment With the Instructor or Teaching Associate

Fill out this form to request a meeting with either Instructor Velasco or Violette Walker to discuss any concerns you may have with the course or your progress. This is not meant to serve as help with class activities, but rather to reserve a time to discuss a personal concern you may have, big or small.

Anonymous Comment Box

Use this form to anonymously submit any comments, questions, or concerns you may have.