
DateModuleWhat is due?Mini-Exams
F 1/7Welcome to the class & How this class works
M 1/10Module 1: What is Data Science, Anaconda, Python & Jupyter NotebooksPrepare 1
W 1/12Peer Instructions 1
F 1/14Peer Instructions 1
Su 1/16Homework 1
M 1/17Module 2: Numpy & PandasPrepare 2
W 1/19Peer Instructions 2
F 1/21Peer Instructions 2
Su 1/23Homework 2
M 1/24Module 3: ProbabilityPrepare 3
W 1/26Peer Instructions 3
F 1/28Peer Instructions 3
Su 1/30Homework 3
M 1/31Module 4: Data WranglingPrepare 4
W 2/2Peer Instructions 4
F 2/4Peer Instructions 4
Su 2/6Homework 4
M 2/7Module 5: Statistical InferencePrepare 5
W 2/9Peer Instructions 5
Th 2/10Mini-Exam 1 Opens
F 2/11Peer Instructions 5
Sa 2/12Mini-Exam 1 Closes
Su 2/13Homework 5
M 2/14Module 6: Combining DataPrepare 6
W 2/16Peer Instructions 6
F 2/18Peer Instructions 6
Su 2/20Homework 6
Project: Group Formation
M 2/21Module 7: Databases and SQLPrepare 7
W 2/23Peer Instructions 7
F 2/25Peer Instructions 7
Su 2/27Homework 7
W 3/2Proposal WorkshopMini-Exam 1 Retake Opens (Moved due to spring break)
Th 3/3Mini-Exam 2 Opens
F 3/4Proposal Workshop
Sa 3/5Mini-Exam 1 Retake Closes
Mini-Exam 2 Closes
Su 3/6Project Proposal
W 3/9Spring break
F 3/11Spring break
M 3/14Module 8: VisualizationPrepare 8
W 3/16Peer Instructions 8
F 3/18Peer Instructions 8
Su 3/20Homework 8
M 3/21Module 9: Prediction & Supervised Machine LearningPrepare 9
W 3/23Peer Instructions 9
F 3/25Peer Instructions 9
Su 3/27Homework 9
W 3/30Prototype Workshop: Notebooks + GitHubMini-Exam 2 Retake Opens (Moved due to Duke Basketball Game, Go Duke!)
Th 3/31Mini-Exam 3 Opens
F 4/1Prototype Workshop (Zoom only)
Sa 4/2Mini-Exam 2 Retake Closes
Mini-Exam 3 Closes
Su 4/3 Project Prototype
M 4/4Module 10: Deep LearningPrepare 10
W 4/6Peer Instructions 10
F 4/8Peer Instructions 10
Su 4/10Homework 10
W 4/13Project Workshop
Th 4/14Mini-Exam 3 Retake Opens
Mini-Exam 4 Opens
F 4/15Project Workshop
Sa 4/16Mini-Exam 3 Retake Closes
Mini-Exam 4 Closes
W 4/20Project WorkshopProject Report and Video Presentation
M 4/25Mini-Exam 4 Retake Opens
W 4/27Mini-Exam 4 Retake Closes