Module 01: What is Data Science, Anaconda, Python, & Jupyter

  1. Prepare (due M 1/10 )
    1. Content below
    2. Quiz is on Sakai
    3. Install Anaconda
  2. Peer Instructions (these will open when we use them)
    1. lambda with min/max: Round 1, Round 2
    2. Sorting: Round 1, Round 2
    3. Notebooks I: Round 1, Round 2
    4. Notebooks II: Round 1, Round 2
  3. Homework (due Su 1/16)

Content (Slides in the Box folder)

1.A – What is Data Science? (in-class on 1/7 or see recording)

1.B – Python3 (12 min.)

  1. Python vs. Java (3 min.)
  2. Data Types (2 min.)
  3. Iteration, Functions, Classes (7 min.)

1.C – Python for Data Science

  1. Anaconda and Jupyter (10 min.)
  2. Jupyter Notebook Demo (11 min.)

Optional Supplements