Before your first semesters starts, we will have to set up your onboarding on payroll. The timely uploading/submission of your documents is not only important, but essential to guarantee the creation of your payroll records while establishing your eligibility for legal employment in the United States and at Duke University. You can expect to receive an email with instructions on how to provide us with your documents.
After your documents are processed, you will receive a link from the SuccessFactors systems. The system will guide you through a series of questions, and documents that must be completed. It is important to remember while completing the documents that you use your legal name as listed on your social security card, or passport if you are an international student.
The documents required for the onboarding process can be found here. As noted below, you can choose one document from list A, or one from list B and one from list C:
You must present original documents ONLY. Photocopies or electronic copies are not acceptable.
International students please refer to this page for further instructions on your onboarding process.