Check the Download MXP section for the most recent MXP version.
Create directory
if it does not exist. -
Download file MXP-2.6.2.tar.gz and unpack it to
directory. -
Add directory
mkdir -p ~/Software
cd ~/Software
wget --content-disposition
tar -xzof MXP-2.6.2.tar.gz
rm MXP-2.6.2.tar.gz
export PATH=$HOME/Software/MXP-2.6.2/bin:$PATH
Note: You have to execute the last command each time when you open a new terminal. To avoid this, add PATH
modification to your .bashrc
Check that MXP works:
mxp --help
MXP v.2.6.2 -- main pipeline script usage:
mxp [options] target
where options are:
-h, --help -- print this message and exit
-V, --version -- print MXP version
-m, --maindir PATH -- path to main execution directory (default: current directory)
-w, --width WIDTH -- format expandable output strins to use WIDTH columns
-f, --force-delete -- forces deleting result directory if exists but not current
-n, --dry-run -- do not do anything, print what would be done (implies -v)
-v, --verbose -- print more info
-l, --log -- create log file of the current run
Non-positive value of WIDTH sets output width to (current-terminal-window-width + WIDTH).
Environmental variables:
may be used to pass corresponding options to the script. Command-line options
have precedence over environmental variables.
For expected directory structure, see comments to this script.
Exit codes:
0 -- target is up-to-date
1 -- target was successfully rebuilt
2 -- failed to build target
If you get what is shown, MXP works on your computer.