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Chaining Pipelines: Using Existing Pipeline in a New One

Chaining pipelines is an MXP way to reuse existing code. When somebody designs a pipeline, he/she must declare its parent pipeline (this is done in mxp.conf file). The MXP base is also considered as a pipeline, and it is the ultimate parent of any other pipeline.

In section Search for Scripts we described how parameter and method scripts are chosen in chained pipelines. Another question is how to handle Makefile.

Files Makefile.sh are sourced in order defined by “parent” relationship. First, the Makefile.sh of the ultimate parent is sourced (i.e., Makefile.sh of the MXP pipeline, which is empty); then, Makefile.sh of its child is sourced; etc. The last sourced Makefile.sh is the one from the current analysis pipeline.

If any of pipelines in a chain has no Makefile.sh, it is equivalent to having empty Makefile.sh.