Books and Articles
FAS/E Support Network of B.C.
- My Name is Amanda and I have F.A.E.: A book for young children with FAS/E
- Dear World: We Have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Experiences of Young Adults (written by young adult “survivors”)
Streissguth, Ann (1997) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: A Guide for Families and Communities. Baltimore, Maryland: Paul K. Brookes Publishing
Wu and Cederbaum (2003) Alcohol, oxidative stress, and free radical damage. Alcohol Research & Health 27:277-284.
Web-based References
The official FASD website at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
The official FASD website at the Center for Disease Control (CDC)
The official FASD website at NOFAS
A resource for educators that has a nice review of the neuroscience behind fetal brain development and alcohol exposure. “Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): A Comprehensive Guide for Pre-K – 8 Educators” –
Brain Facts –
Videos and animations
The Story of Iyal –
Classroom Curricula and Activities
An online virtual reality interactive game showing how alcohol is oxidized, based on one’s genetics. “DiVE into Alcohol” A Virtual Experience in Chemistry and Biology. A software plug-in (free) must be downloaded to start the program.
A high school curriculum similar to APEP called The Pharmacology Education Partnership (PEP). Module 3 has a nice discussion of oxidative damage to neurons –
Better Safe than Sorry: Preventing a Tragedy – This curriculum activity developed for 7th and 8th grade science, is also appropriate for 9th grade.