The recent rains have brought another huge fruiting of fungi in central North Carolina (similar to last year‘s amazing flush of chanterelles). I just returned from traveling abroad to find my yard exploding with a huge variety of fungi, including several new species. I thought I’d share some of the recent photos that people have sent me for identification. Here is a link to a recent article in our local newspaper on the recent plethora of mushrooms in our region.
- Amanita sp. (photo by Alex Glass)
- pot pourri of basidiocarps (photo M. McGowan)
- Boletus bicolor (photo Omon Isikhuemen)
- Boletus frostii (left) and B. bicolor (right).
- Amanita jacksonii
- Crepidotus mollis
- Amanita sp. (section Lepidella)
- Boletus curtisii
- Sparassis crispa (or spathulata?)
- Clavulina cristata
- Lactarius indigo (photo by Mike McGowan)
- Clavaria vermicularis (M. McGowan)
- Boletellus betula (M. McGowan)
- Dacromyces palmatum (M. McGowan)
- Laccaria ochropurpurea
- Suillus ca. hirtellus – common under pines
- Pisolithus tinctorius (dog turd fungus)
- Cantharellus ignicolor (photo K Merritt)