Fungal Dimensions and Plant Microbial Interfaces featured at the International Mycological Congress IMC10

This week’s meetings at the 10th International Mycological Congress in Bangkok Thailand feature talks by members of our current projects on Dimentions of Ectomycorrhical Diversity (DoED) and Plant Microbe Interfaces (PMI).

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Monday Aug 3 9.00-9.30 Session 1: A population genomic view of divergence and differentiation in fungi By John W. Taylor, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Tue Aug 4 11.00-11.20 Session S15 Genetics of host-specificity and function in mycorrhizal fungi (EMF) By Hui-Ling ‘Sunny’ Liao, Duke University, US

Tue Aug 4 15.30-15.50 Session S23: Patterns and drivers of ectomycorrhizal diversity in North American Pinaceous forests By Thomas Bruns, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Tue Agu 4 16.50-1705 Session S23: A continental view of ectomycorrhizal fungal spore banks: A quiescent functional guild with a strong biogeographic pattern By Sydney Glassman, UC Berkeley, USA

Wed Aug 4 12:35-12.50 Session S32 Bacterial-fungal interactions of Mortierella elongata in the Populus rhizosphere By Jessie Uehling, Duke University, USA

Thu Aug 616.30-16.50 Session A48 Differential responses of saprotrophic and ectomycorhizal fungi explain N enrichment effects on decay By Jennifer Talbot, Boston University, USA

Thu Aug 6 16.30-16.50 Session S49: Co-diversification of symbiotic endocellular bacteria and early diverging terrestrial fungi Gregory M Bonito, Royal Botanic Gardens, Victoria, Australia

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