Category: Alum (Page 1 of 6)

Robbie Ha


Hi y’all, I’m Robbie! I’m a junior from Seattle majoring in Computer Science and Public Policy with a minor in Political Science. On campus, I serve on the Editorial Board for The Chronicle, play violin for Hoof ‘n’ Horn, and live with freshman on East (I’m an RA!). I love politics, David Bowie, and public transit.

Joining Ubuntu has been one of the best decisions I’ve made since coming to Duke—it’s a place where you can be yourself to the fullest and meet truly spectacular people. If you ever want to hang and spill some tea with a self-proclaimed master of the craft, come find me in Giles or hmu on social!

Autumn Carter

I’m Autumn, and I’m really passionate about #BlackLivesMatter, Kate McKinnon, religious freedom, vinyls, destroying the patriarchy, ameretto sours, breaking gender norms, The Nanny with Fran Drescher, restructuring the global economy, and intersectional feminism. I do acapella and the wonderful production that is all of the above each Spring. My home city is actually called Spring, TX… And my street has the word Summer in it…. I’m really bad at dancing and fairly good at pop culture trivia. PLEASE discuss memes w/ me and introduce me to weird music!

Allie Karz

Allie Karz

Hello internet! My name is Allie Karz. I’m a senior from Palm Harbor, FL: land of alligators and neon novelty t-shirts. My mom’s family is huge and Portuguese and my dad’s is French/Polish/quiet—my childhood was like an epilogue to My Big Fat Greek Wedding but with more food. I study cell and molecular bio and I hope to become a mad scientist physician-scientist. I’ve done mostly cancer research, and will happily chat your ear off about it and undergraduate research in general. I’m working on a creative writing minor too, specializing in post-modern poetry made from printed-out memes in elbow macaroni frames.  I’m also passionate about social justice, particularly intersectional feminism, education reform, and anti-racism. I started a group here at Duke called Progress. Period. to destigmatize menstruation and provide menstrual hygiene products to communities in need. Most days you can find me working in the lab or yelling about periods at the bus stop, and Ubuntu has always supported me in both endeavors. I’m so excited to have another year with this community!

Duncan Dodson

Duncan Dodson

Hi! My name’s Duncan, and I’m from Tulsa, Oklahoma. I graduated from Duke in 2015 with a degree in Environmental Science and Policy. I enjoy anything having to do with camping or backpacking, and was heavily involved with Project WILD while I was in college. I’m hoping to have a career in outdoor education, renewable energy, or another environment-related field.


Emma Achola

Emma Achola
Hello, my name is Emma Achola. I am a pre-med senior from Macon, Georgia majoring in Public Policy Studies. In my free time, I like watching Netflix and soccer, reading, and hanging out with my amazing friends. My favorite team is the Liverpool Reds! I have several things that I am passionate about. I love talking about how we can work to dismantle systems of oppression ranging from racism to the patriarchy. Ubuntu has been a great organization for me because it has helped me develop the language and the confidence to talk about these different systems of oppression. I hope you join us for an awesome month of recruitment! Peace and love.

Ashley Qiang

Ashley Qiang
Hi friends! I’m Ashley (the one on the right) and I’m a senior from Denver, Colorado. I’m an Econ and PubPol major, but I’m also passionate about a ton of other things from intersectional feminism to Grey’s Anatomy to the Denver Broncos. I’ve done a lot of different things at Duke including study abroad, Asian American Alliance, and Wind Symphony, and I’m currently the VP of Ubuntu. I can’t wait to meet all of you! Ubuntu has been a big part of my life, and I would love to talk to you about it. Feel free to strike up a conversation with me about anything (I swear I’m not intimidating; I’m actually awkward AF). If I’m not chilling in Ubuntu section, I’m most likely in the library crying over my senior thesis, crying about graduating and figuring out what the hell I’m supposed to do with my life, or chilling with my amazing, beautiful roommate Bri (the one on the left). We’re pretty much joined at the hip.

Jack McDermott

Jack McDermott

Hi everyone!
My name is Jack McDermott, and I am a rising senior. Before coming to Duke, I had lived my whole life in Chicago, and I absolutely love spending time at home, especially to eat. At Duke, I love hiking and geology, and I spend a great deal of my time outdoors. I am passionate about the environment, and I am involved in environmental clubs on campus. This past summer, I ran an 11 mile obstacle course with my friends, and I finished (mostly 🙂 ). Though I still despise it, I am slowly getting used to running, and I love to do it with friends, so hit me up!

Katie Michaela Becker

katieBeckerHey y’all! My name is Katie Becker and I’m a senior from Seattle, WA studying psychology with a history minor. In addition to being part of the awesome Ubuntu community, I am involved in Presbyterian Campus Ministry and Chorale. In my free time, I enjoy writing, watching bad reality TV, learning new languages, going to church, talking about social justice, compelling my dear roommate Autumn to listen to all the crazy sh** I say, and frequenting the fine Durham establishment known as Shooter II Saloon.

Other info about me:
Favorite class taken at Duke: History Seminar: “A Global History of Imprisonment”
Celebrity crush: Joe Biden
Greatest fear: Rodents
Favorite Ubuntu memory: Family dinners
Senior year bucket list items:
– Visit the Eno Rock Quarry
– Go swimming in the Central Campus pool
– Discover three new napping locations on West Campus
– Try every type of hard cider at Bull City Ciderworks
– Take a weekend trip to Charleston, SC
– Graduate


Autumn Carter


I’m a PubPol and International Comparative Studies major, I am soooo close (not really close at all) at being fluent in Italian, I ADORE big dogs, cats are cool too. Talk to me about intersectional feminism and your favorite John Mayer lyrics!
^ that p much sums me up

If you’re a rushee in need of anything, feel free to email me or Shannon at or

Joy Sun


Hi friends! I’m Joy, a junior majoring in public policy with minors in history and Italian. I’ve lived in the great (not armpit) state of New Jersey my entire life, so I pretty much love all things Jersey (except Chris Christie but I would loooove to talk to you about Jersey/national politics). Like a lot of other cool cats in Ubuntu, I’m really passionate about social justice and human rights. Specifically I’m interested in race relations and the criminal justice system. When I’m not in class or ranting about these things, you can find me teaching the Women and International Development house course or volunteering at the Community Empowerment Fund in Durham. But let’s be real here, I’ll most likely be procrastinating in the library pursuing my true passions of Netflix and sleeping.

I’m really horrible at writing bios of myself, so let’s get coffee or foods sometime instead and we can talk about our mutual interests! I’m seriously down to talk about anything, from the upcoming elections to how baby carrots are really just normal carrots that were cut up (I’m still a little traumatized from finding this out this summer). Also cats. Can’t wait to see you in Ubu section!

Bryce Wolery


Hi! I’m Bryce Wolery and I am a sophomore studying statistics and economics.  I live in Concord, NC, but I have lived in six places in my life, though that definitely does not make me cultured.  If I am not in my room then I am probably in the common room watching some kind of sport.  Baseball, basketball, football, even curling, I’ll watch it.  I pretend I like music, but that really means that I just discovered Spotify.  I play a lot of IM sports ranging from soccer and ultimate to volleyball.  My favorite movie is Forrest Gump and I like reading mystery novels.  Please talk with me about sports and experiential learning!  I enjoy the outdoors and absolutely love walking through the gardens to get to class every morning.  Living in section is great because it is like living with fifty of my best friends.  ​

Daniela Radvak

Hi everyone! My name is Daniela, I’m a current senior studying mechanical engineering. I am half Canadian and half Mexican, but I spent my life growing up in Arizona. So I love going hiking and swimming, two of the biggest (and kind of only) things to do in Arizona. Some of my other hobbies include biking, travelling when I can, playing board games, and drinking wine. But I love talking about all sorts of stuff, so come get to know me! I’m super excited for rush and can’t wait to meet everyone!

Maddy Katz


Hey y’all! My name is Maddy and I am a junior at Duke from Raleigh, NC. I am currently studying abroad in Vietnam, South Africa, or Argentina trying to be cool or something. However, I am so ridiculously excited to meet you sometime in the near future, and I would LOVE to chat in any format you deem appropriate, fb, text, or skype! I’m majoring Global Health and Cultural Anthropology, and I am especially interested looking at the social determinants of health outcomes like gender and education, but I have absolutely no idea what’s going on after graduating. I love being outdoors (hiking, scuba, biking), social justice, getting lost in new places, and am constantly searching for new and improved ways to eat avocados.


Emerson Lovell


I, Emerson Lovell, am a junior from Harlem, NY. I am a History and Political Science major. I am the President of the Kappa Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. I am also a member of the Duke Club Volleyball team, Black Student Alliance, Students of the Caribbean Association, Black Pre-law Association and a Mary Lou Intern for the Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture. I love to be around people and have fun. I believe fostering relationships with others is the greatest power we have as humans. I love to play basketball, pick up football, chess, mlabalaba (South African War Game), and soccer. My favorite sports teams are the NY Giants (championship coming in 2016 just wait on it), NY Rangers (Henrik Lundqvist is the best goalkeeper in the league hands down), NY Yankees (Core Four fan for life!!!!), Miami Heat (D-Wade is the third best 2-guard in history and I stand by that wholeheartedly!), and Real Madrid (Benzema, Ronaldo, Bale, Ramos and Rodriguez how can you not like this team?). My favorite food is pancakes, they make me way too happy and I was slightly addicted for 14 years, however on campus Pitchforks is my favorite food joint because of those Thai Chili wings!! I don’t like books but if I had to choose a favorite one it would have to be Great Gatsby (Jay Gatsby is the epitome of perseverance lets be real here people). Favorite Video Game is Fable, lets you be a little good and a little bad, however, my favorite system is the Nintendo Game Boy hands down but you should keep them up if you want to play since its a handheld system.

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