Author: Ethan Baruch

Rachael Clark


Hi, my name is Rachael and I am a senior from Palo Alto, California. My favorite color is yellow. I quite enjoy food, whether that be cooking a home made meal in my apartment or trying new restaurants in Durham with friends. When I’m not studying (or eating) I love artsy things–I paint and make quilts among other things. I also love hanging out with all my Ubuntu buddies. Academically, I am majoring in public policy and global health and am interested in the intersection of faith and medicine. After I graduate I hope to road-trip across country with friends and then climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. I would love to get to know you, so don’t be afraid to say hi!

Raisa Chowdhury

Hi all! My name is Raisa, but I also have a number of other nicknames, mostly food related (Raisaroni, Ricecake, Raisin Chowder, etc) which is appropriate because I love food. But especially chocolate and  cake and my mom’s hot Bangladeshi food. I hail from Winston-Salem, NC and I’m majoring in, well, I have until Spring Break to decide.Aside from that, my favorite activities include snuggling, staying up all night, preferable doing something fun like having a heat-to-heart, eating, and crossing things off my bucket list. Ubu’s a great place and a great group of people that will always lend you some eggs when you’re too lazy to walk over to Uncle Harry’s so get to know us. I can’t wait to meet you soon!


Andres Davagnino

Hey everybody!

I’m Andres and hail from the exotic land of Chile (actually I was born in the U.S. but my parents are from Chile, so close enough). My passions are salsa dancing, soccer (ahem futbol), wilderness hiking, and cooking. My major is in Economics and my minor in English, and when I graduate I hope to work somewhere on Wall St. (yup, I’m one of the few Ubuntu members who have sold their soul to the devil, or so I’ve been told 🙂 )

But more importantly I’d love to get to know you! So whatever your interests are come talk to me, and if you ever need a partner to go salsa dancing at Cuban Revolution, watch a soccer game or drunkenly have a conversation in Spanish, I would be more than happy to join you!

Julie Rivo

Julie is a Program II major in Global Health. Her major has a focus on the Americas to build off an awesome summer in Haiti, a public health study abroad in northern Chile, and her absolute love of Latino language, music, dance and of course, empanadas. That is one reason she loves being from Miami, but being able bike, swim, run and boat ANYtime is a huge bonus. She is passionate about health and nutrition, and is looking for people to cook, bike around Durham, climb at the Wilson wall and salsa dance on Thursday nights with her. She agrees with Hannah about hashtags, with Sanjay on the ‘aspiring doctor’ point, with Ellen on that 1-800 number and with every other Ubu that seeing the world and meeting people is literally the best thing ever (besides Ubuntu, of course).

Leah Kaiser

Hi everyone!  My name is Leah Kaiser and I am from the mountains of South Western Virginia.  I am almost definitely majoring in evolutionary anthropology with a minor in environmental science and policy and political science.  I spend most of my time at the Duke Lemur Center or hanging out outside.  I absolutely love all animals and I can’t wait to travel the world.  Ubuntu has been a huge part of my Duke experience and I can’t imagine Duke without it.  I can’t wait to meet all of you!


Sanjay Kishore


Sanjay is a super scintillating senior* and expert falafel connoisseur residing in Ubuntu section. He grew up in the rolling foothills of Southwestern Virginia, and will sometimes revert back to his native Southern twang if you ask him to say the number “five.” You’ll recognize him rolling around campus in the white Toyota Camry with the dangling side view mirror attached with neon pink duct tape. If you’re really nice to him, he’ll break out his newly-developed musical skills (whaddup Beginner Guitar!) to serenade you with one of his favorite cliche (but oh so good) melodies: Wagon Wheel, The Scientist, or Aicha. He’s been a Cameron Crazie at heart since his older bro went to Duke in the 4th grade, and dreams of managing Shane Battier’s 2028 Presidential Campaign. He’s a Program II major focusing on health policy, and is an aspiring doc; he has no idea what he’s doing after graduation, but feel free to ask him when you see him — it’s probably good to make him think about it.


*If you get the reference, we’ll be best friends.


Kelen Laine

Hey all, my name’s Kelen and I’m a science-nerdy, nature-loving, adventure-hungry senior from the Pacific NW who also happens to love sultry jazz bars, euro dance music, great microbrews, and pretty much everything that is weird or unfamiliar.

Studying environmental sciences (b.s.) and cultural anthropology while at school, and other life-things through conversation and exploring, I’m constantly trying both to understand the way the world works and to figure out how to make it a healthier, more engaging place.  Next year I’d like to work in the energy sector, ideally working on renewables, then shift into urban design…unless I take off for ‘gap’ (glue?) year #2 to first recalibrate as a world-not-just-Duke student.

I stay busy with classes and jobs at Duke Sustainability, but in-between I like to be active and outside, explore Durham, talk to strangers, enjoy live music, eat from the farmer’s market, make/build stuff, and have fun with my fellow Ubus – the most inspiring and dynamic people I know!

Sarah Nolan

Sarah is a senior friend of house. She was not born but raised in Charlotte, NC. She is a Public Policy major interested in vague terms like development, and an English minor, making her a prime candidate for the pre-hobo track. Some things she enjoys doing include:1. Leading people up tall things and eating Nutella on top with both Outing Club and Project Wild, 2. Teaching kids about nature through such instructive activities as throwing peanut butter and bird seed on pinecones and exploding volcanoes with Woods and 3. Pretending to play banjo. Find her in Ubuntu section, the cold wastes of Kville, or anywhere out of doors.

Aly Premji

Hey! I’m Aly a senior from Knoxville, Tennessee majoring in Biology, Neuroscience and a certificate in Global Health…aka… pre-med. . Love doing crazy stuff, late night cook-out, and adventures with friends. I’m involved with Club Swim and Global Medical Brigades. I love playing basketball but if you ask I’ll probably play anything! Talk to me about yo dreams, sweet 90s music, and the goodness that are Nilla Wafers. Some of my favorite memories are with Ubu and I’m excited to meet you all!

John Scott-Jones

I’m the cheerful one in this picture. My name is John Scott-Jones, and you can call me John Scott-Jones or JSJ. I’m a Junior from New Zealand, and I live with Ajeet the Australian in our own little Southern Hemisphere ghetto. I work at the Duke Coffeehouse, so feel free to swing by and chat during one of the shows. I’m a Political Science Major, a Cultural Anthropology Minor and I have done a fair bit of documentary work. I love tea and black coffee, and milk freaks me out.

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