The research and education activities of the TCRN are driven by fusions of cutting-edge statistical science, applied mathematics, and social science. The team includes experts in methods for protecting data confidentiality, handling missing and erroneous data, integrating information across data sources, data quality and survey methodology, and substantive research involving Census Bureau and other federal data. Team members include:
Jerome Reiter
TITLE: Professor of Statistical Science, Duke University
ROLE: Principal Investigator
EXPERTISE: data confidentiality, missing data, Bayesian methodology
Alan Karr
TITLE: Director of Center of Excellence for Complex Data Analysis, RTI International
ROLE: co-Principal Investigator
EXPERTISE: data confidentiality, survey sampling, statistical modeling
Lawrence Cox
TITLE: Senior Fellow, National Institute of Statistical Sciences
ROLE: Senior Investigator
EXPERTISE: data confidentiality, applied mathematics, linear programming, analysis of tabular data
David Dunson
TITLE: Arts and Sciences Professor of Statistical Science, Duke University
ROLE: Senior Investigator
EXPERTISE: Nonparametric Bayesian methods, high dimensional modeling, Bayesian methods.
D. Sunshine Hillygus
TITLE: Professor of Political Science, Duke University
ROLE: Senior Investigator
EXPERTISE: survey methodology, data quality, education in survey methods
V. Joseph Hotz
TITLE: JB Duke Professor of Economics, Duke University
ROLE: Senior Investigator
EXPERTISE: administrative records, poverty and welfare, statistical modeling
Fan Li
TITLE: Associate Professor of Statistical Science, Duke University
ROLE: Senior Investigator
EXPERTISE: missing data methods, small-area estimation, Bayesian modeling, and high-dimensional inference
Seth Sanders
TITLE: Professor of Economics, Duke University
ROLE: Senior Investigator
EXPERTISE: economic demography, immigration, education in quantitative methods
Rebecca Steorts
TITLE: Assistant Professor of Statistical Science, Duke University
ROLE: Senior Investigator
EXPERTISE: record linkage, small area estimation, machine learning
WEBSITE: http://www.stat,
Quanli Wang
TITLE: Scientific Programmer, formerly at Duke University
ROLE: Senior Investigator
EXPERTISE: efficient stochastic computation, parallel computing, software development
Current and Former Students and Postdocs (with positions as of 9/30/18 or later)
NAME: Daniel Manrique-Vallier
ROLE: Postdoc
POSITION: Associate Professor, Indiana University
NAME: Hang Joon Kim
ROLE: Postdoc
POSITION: Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati
NAME: Maria De Yoreo
ROLE: Postdoc
POSITION: Statistician, RAND Corporation
NAME: Mauricio Sadinle
ROLE: Postdoc
POSITION: Assistant Professor, University of Washington
NAME: Andres Felipe Barrientos
ROLE: Postdoc
POSITION: Assistant Professor, Florida State University
NAME: Nabanita Mukherjee
ROLE: Postdoc
POSITION: Senior Manager at AbbVie
NAME: Jared Murray
ROLE: PhD student, Statistical Science (2013)
POSITION: Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin
NAME: Thais Paiva
ROLE: PhD student, Statistical Science (2014)
POSITION: Assistant Professor, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
NAME: Jingchen Hu
ROLE: PhD student, Statistical Science (2015)
POSITION: Assistant Professor, Vassar College
NAME: David McClure
ROLE: PhD student, Statistical Science (2015)
POSITION: Deloitte Consulting
NAME: Tyler Ransom
ROLE: PhD student, Economics (2015)
POSITION: Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma
NAME: Tracy Schifeling
ROLE: PhD student, Statistical Science (2016)
POSITION: Data scientist, Bluprint
NAME: Lan Wei
ROLE: PhD student, Statistical Science (2016)
POSITION: Statistician, In4mation Insights
NAME: Christine Chai
ROLE: PhD student, Statistical Science (2017)
POSITION: Software engineer, Microsoft
NAME: Nicole Dalzell
ROLE: PhD student, Statistical Science (2017)
POSITION: Assistant Professor, Wake Forest University
NAME: Jody Heck Wortman
ROLE: PhD student, Statistical Science (2018)
POSITION: Data Scientist, Democratic National Committee
NAME: Kyle Burris
ROLE: PhD student, Statistical Science (2019)
POSITION: Statistician, Cleveland Indians
NAME: Michele Pistner
ROLE: Visiting PhD student, Penn State University Statistics
POSITION: PhD student, Penn State University
NAME: Eve Oh
ROLE: MSEM student, Statistical Science (2014)
POSITION: PhD student, NC State University
NAME: Olanrewaju Akande
ROLE: MSEM (2015) and PhD student, Statistical Science (2019)
POSITION: Assistant Professor, Duke University
NAME: Bai Li
ROLE: MS student, Statistical Science (2017)
POSITION: PhD student, Duke University
NAME: Sophie Yu
ROLE: MSEM student, Statistical Science (2017)
POSITION: PhD student, Duke University
NAME: Gilad Amitai
ROLE: MS student, Statistical Science (2018)
POSITION: Research Data Scientist, SurveyMonkey
NAME: Gauri Kamat
ROLE: MS student, Statistical Science (2019)
POSITION: Researcher, UNC Chapel Hill
NAME: Annie Lott
ROLE: BS student, Statistical Science (2017)
POSITION: Master’s student, University of Central Florida
NAME: James Wu
ROLE: BS student, Statistical Science (2018)
POSITION: CEO of AdaptiLab
NAME: Andrew Cho
ROLE: BS student, Statistical Science (2018)
POSITION: Graduate of Duke University