By Ana Huang
Ana Huang is a PhD student in Cultural Anthropology at Duke University
“In that sense, before the body’ there is the ‘flesh,’ that zero degree of social conceptualization …”
– Hortense Spillers[i]
Can women’s bodies speak? Can a feminist reading of photographic archives from the early twentieth-century China offer an unmediated historical glimpse into the lived experiences of women? With the exception of voice recordings and skeletons in graves, photography is perhaps the closest point of contact we have with the material lives of Chinese women, before mass literacy enabled the majority of women to write. Sidney Gamble took hundreds of apparently uncontrived photographs of women, their bodies imprinted onto the negative with absolute mechanical precision. Scholars of Chinese history are used to reading between the lines of Chinese male authors for glimpses of women’s realities in poems, fictions, political treatises, etc., but the photographic archive is able to bypass the interloping male voice, allowing us direct access to the elusive figure of the historical Chinese woman. Photography constitutes a material tracing of women’s bodies, a recording of corporeal speech. It is perhaps a potent lens for feminist reconstruction of the past.
However, feminist projects that simply formulate counter-histories as a response to male-centered narratives fall into a familiar trap. Counter-histories are homologous methods of historical narrativization, as modern people endowed with the retrospective position perform reading practices on the site of women’s bodies in the early twentieth century. The physical body becomes a body of evidence in support of historical claims. The photo collection becomes a text upon which experts offer competing interpretations. The body is still being spoken for. Women’s subjectivities are still overwhelmingly defined by the body. The classic, liberal feminist approach to Gamble’s photo collection might, on first glance, offer reprieve from male-dominated discourses, by emphasizing women’s experiences and highlighting women in non-stereotypical roles. But such an alternative reading reenacts the imposition of historical meaning onto women’s bodies.
How then do we conduct a feminist historiography of the photographic archive that isn’t self-defeating? A different approach lies in the counter-intuitive refusal to be recognized and subsumed into the grand narratives of political history. The feminist race theorist Hortense Spillers makes a distinction between the body and the flesh, as that zero degree of social conceptualization. This nuanced distinction, when used to theorize Chinese women, opens up a peculiar way of examining historical photography. By stripping away the heavy burden of social meaning that covers the full surface of Chinese women’s bodies, we will allow the possibility of recalcitrant female flesh to break through, detangled from the web of historical narratives. Only then can we hear the incoherent screams and inaudible murmurs of female flesh, rising out of the photo print.
China’s image of modernization rests on the status of its women and their transition into qualified modern subjects. In the popular fashion of postcolonial and semi-colonial nations, women’s bodies serve as the battlefield whereupon imperialism, capitalism, nationalism and socialism measure their accomplishments. Their liberation was defined by and simultaneously legitimized national projects, as various markers of progress were chosen as the sites for liberation. Chinese women’s liberation in much of the twentieth century has largely been blessings from above, and mixed ones at that.

Gamble’s photographs captured the terse discourses surrounding foot-binding—a repeated trope central to the perception of China as backward at this time. While the photographer’s gaze shies away from intense examination of women’s feet in the public environment, the feet nevertheless demand the contemporary viewers’ attention, as overlaying narratives about modernity, missionaries, and feminism come into play. In the early twentieth century, to the Western world, foot-binding was a strange and barbaric practice marking patriarchy in China. To China itself, foot-binding symbolized a practice that must be eliminated in order for Chinese civilization to gain legitimacy on the modern, global stage. Much responsibility rested on women’s bodies, and little attention was paid to women’s agency in the anti-footbinding movement.
As Dorothy Ko demonstrated in her revisionist history of foot-binding, Cinderella’s Sisters, women with bound feet became framed as cultural embarrassments or femme fatales during the anti-footbinding movement. Christian missionaries sought to rectify the disfigurement of God’s creation, and their insistence on the preservation of the “heavenly foot” excluded any recognition of women’s power over their own bodies. Western and Chinese reformers, often male, undertook urgent measures to rid China of the backward, stubborn female bodies, enforcing foot-letting across the country, even as many women resisted the painful reversal process. First the foot was required to be bound, and then it was required to be unbound.
In Gamble’s collection, the occasional bound feet peek out of the images, as a site of tremendous contestation and social coding. Foot-binding, as well as foot-letting, was intended to turn female flesh into proper women’s bodies; it subjects unruly flesh to social codes. Narratives on the practice of foot-binding, whether sympathetic or critical, further bind the body to a historical framework. Well-intended feminist attempts can be as complicit in such a process as nation-building projects that proclaim women’s liberation as a complimentary benefit of socialism, and women’s freedom as a positive side-effect of marketization. Women’s bodies remain entangled in the web of historical narratives, and interpretations of their social presence in the photograph continue to capture raw flesh for the service of grand discourses. The contemporary feminist aversion to the legacy of Chinese foot-binding has unwittingly played into the notion of historical progress, which comforts us with the belief that Chinese women are, at the very least, more liberated today than they were before. What is left then for us to complain about?
Gamble made meticulous captions for his photographs, noting ethnicity, religion, class, hairstyles – social markers that he was interested in delineating as a social scientist. But the faithful mechanical reproduction of the ephemeral moment, preserved in the photograph, betrays the intentions of the photographer and reveals many women’s resistance to the camera. Sometimes, women insert themselves into the visual composition, throwing the gaze back to the camera when it attempts to capture in stealth. Norms of etiquette had not been established between Chinese bodies and cameras. Without proprietary codes, women’s engagement with the camera, the white male cameraperson and the eventual public beholders of the image demonstrate an unruly attitude and an unabashed relation. Without speaking, they disrupt the credibility of visual documentation and challenge the photographer’s claim to realistic indexicality, with the scoffing look in their eyes, with their cocked eyebrows, with their pointed fingers.


Though Gamble sometimes composed shots and arranged people in front of his camera, women are not uniform in their bodily cooperation with the camera, as they look every other way and refuse to return the gaze when demanded to do so. The group of old beggar women resting on the pilgrimage to the Daoist temple on Miao Feng Shan, a mountain outside of Beijing, hints at a religious life that took some women great distances in non-domestic spaces, unrestricted by bound feet. On the other hand, a group of elderly Chinese women attending a Christian church in Chaoyang Men, Beijing stand in a row and pose for a group portrait in formal outfits. Their attempt at a standardized assemblage bears great contrast to the pilgrim women, who sit haphazardly on the ground, without bourgeois decorum, showing no deference for the camera.
In the photographs of church women, we bear witness to a powerful missionary project that not only sought to save souls, but also injected Foucauldian discipline of the body into Chinese modernity. The YMCA, in which Gamble participated, was part of the numerous reformist efforts aimed at increasing social productivity, managing populations, and teaching Chinese citizens new technologies of the self. The formation of biopolitical institutions such as schools, hospitals, and prisons contributed to the creation of self-regulating subjects. The female body is particularly subject to close scrutiny and social regulation, as the disciplinary techniques of modernity work in tandem with other national political projects.
Nevertheless, the attempt at posing by the church-going women is not a flawless performance, as each woman’s scattered gaze and awkward body composure indicate that photographic self-awareness was nascent in their bodies. Their stubborn flesh was not trained to hold themselves in uniform stillness before a photographer’s authoritative black box. We can almost hear Gamble’s exasperated requests for them to hold still: “Look at the camera, please!” Like the stubborn bound feet that cannot easily reverse itself, the recalcitrant flesh of the old women leaks out of their upright poses, if we know how to see. Their bodies appear, on first glance, to be pliant vessels under imperialist, religious, and technological demands. But an alternative kind of historiography allows us to recognize the subtle ruptures of the flesh beneath.


Beijing in the early twentieth century was not fully modern, yet it exhibited a kind of cosmopolitanism marking contact and the simultaneous coexistence of various worlds, made visible through women’s bodily presentations of costume, hair, and feet. In the Gamble collection, we catch a glimpse of the heterogeneous gender presentations practiced during a moment of social upheaval. Recognition of such inconsistencies constitutes a positive step towards the kind of feminist historiography that refuses assimilation by grander narratives. In the photographs, bound feet appear besides unbound ones. Female university students with short haircuts in protests coexist with Mongolian women in the palace, while female laborers and beggars mark another dimension of social difference. These bodies speak of various iterations of modernity, nationalism, and colonialism. They speak of women’s diverse responses to anti-foot-binding, the mass education movement, ethnic mixing, war, etc. The rich visual symbols in these photographs, especially on the surface of feminine bodies, are tempting materials, but we must not force historical women to speak as one body, or three, or as any number of historical representations. A different kind of historiography must begin by overlooking the social presentation on the body, in order to make room for the flesh underneath.


Though the photograph retains the loaded signifiers of class, ethnicity, fashion, education, and so on, it also freezes the body in that moment, in the split second that is stripped of temporal progression. The split second has the potential to free women’s bodies from historical time, as it provides neither foreground nor background. We cannot know for certain what happens before or after. Was she frowning at the glare of the sun, or was she smiling before the unwelcome approach of the eager photographer? Is she concerned about the news of the protest yesterday, or excited about the dinner guest tomorrow? Where is she going in a hurry—a visit to her mother, an illicit affair, or a quick trip to the market? The potentiality of the next second threatens to counteract any interpretation of the present moment captured in a photograph. The bareness of the split second, ironically, relieves flesh of the burden of temporality. It escapes the incessant demand of historical narrativization.
In Gamble’s haphazard shots of women hurrying past him, we can detect the arbitrariness of the captured image and its ultimate inability to serve as textual evidence for any conclusive readings of gender and social realities. In contrast to film and its embrace of linear time, the historical photograph is better positioned to jump out of time, carrying female flesh above the timeline in a momentary line of flight. The female subject becomes light, weightless on the black and white film. The split-second quality of photography makes it a medium that does, in a sense, allow unprecedented access to female flesh. Through its negation of temporal duration, the photograph denies us the habit of historical interpretation.


Women repeatedly create a strategic distance with the photographer, so that while Gamble succeeds in capturing their image, the flesh retains its ability to refuse incorporation into historical narratives. This interaction is highlighted in the photographs of two courtly women walking arm-in-arm, passing by and turning away from Gamble, during the Thanksgiving Day Presidential Review held in the Forbidden Palace. As Gamble hurries to capture their fascinating costumes on this special occasion, their turned backs make a mockery of his eagerness. The images contain the photographer’s shadow in the foreground, dramatizing the relative positioning between the subject and the object in this interaction. The presence of Gamble’s shadow, reaching after the two women as they walk away, is reminiscent of the stereotypical, impolite tourist who takes desperate shots of the exotic animal at the zoo as it strolls away with boredom and disdain. In the act of turning away, the female couple forms a homosocial intimacy that is inaccessible to the voyeuristic masculine gaze, even while their bodies are adorned by ornate symbols of ethnic, high-class femininity. Their flesh is not subsumed by the bodily display of gender, ethnicity, and class. In the refusal to be reduced to mere social positions, the flesh offers a potential for deep-rooted agency, something more than “women’s liberation.”
In the second photograph, another pair of young women enters on the right, also with their backs turned to the camera, dressed in a vastly different style indicating their own class, ethnicity, marriage status, etc. The unintended convergence of both pairs within the same frame brings the grand narratives suggested by this photograph to an overwhelming point of excess. The spectacle of the rich costumes underscores the over-burdening of women’s bodies. The scene begins to resemble theater, or the set of a film production. The spatial configuration of the four women’s bodies, juxtaposed against the shape of Gamble’s own Western hat, reveals our own insatiable desire to cull social meaning from the surface of women’s bodies.
A Chinese feminist consideration of the photographic archive, then, will not so much note the historical changes and tides of modernity that explain the different presentations of women’s bodies we see here, but instead collaborate with the two women’s simple turn away from the inquiring, external gaze. A refusal of reading, at least of certain modes of historical interpretation, constitutes an affirmation of recalcitrant female flesh, as it is stripped free of the overwhelming burden of historical progress. In fact, a feminist historiography that resists reading practices will actually make more room for illegible flesh to be included in our backward glances. We might then attend more closely to the unruly bodies that do not bear the recognizable markers of social positions.

In one of the most striking portraits Gamble took, a mysterious figure looks resolutely into the camera and commands direct engagement with the beholder. Yet we are unable to extract much conclusive meaning from the visual material. The Western style hat with a ribbon, cocked defiantly to the side; the angular, proud face; the well-worn Chinese shirt; the blurry rural background… In the archival preparations for the Gamble photo collection, one cataloger associated this photograph with a caption from Gamble that stated “old goat,” while another chose to put it into the category of “women.” Though archival work insists on some degree of categorization, it is impossible to assimilate this figure into a narrative of women, or men, without a level of uncertainty. Here we are encountering recalcitrant flesh that can no longer be gendered and sexed. We cannot easily apply queer or transgender identities to the figure, even with the best intentions. Then there is still the Western hat. The flesh here, wrapped in a conglomerate of Chinese and Western pieces of clothing, confounds our retrospective readings, revealing the inadequacy of any historical narratives. Did Gamble’s wife lend it to him/her as a prop for the portrait? Did he/she wear it while tilling the soil under the sun? Gender is not the only thing that can be thrown into question, as we ponder about this person’s adventures, without hopes of every receiving an answer. Though the flesh imprinted in the film is forever silent, it has managed to make fools of us all, try as we might to absorb the body into the social field. When the flesh truly commands our attention, as in this photograph, the setting becomes out of focus and meaningless—a tree, a house, a horizon, nothing historically meaningful, nothing that weighs down flesh. In the split-second flash of the camera, the flesh jumps out of time, stripped bare of the burden of history.
[i] Hortense J. Spillers, “Mama’s Baby, Papa’s Maybe: An American Grammar Book,” Diacritics 17:2 (Summer 1987): 64-81.
顽固的肉体: 剥离中国女性身上的历史负担










[i] Hortense J. Spillers, “Mama’s Baby, Papa’s Maybe: An American Grammar Book,” Diacritics 17:2 (Summer 1987): 64-81.