The transitions in Chinese society to which Gamble and his camera bore testimony were not limited to institutional and social change. He was also able to witness and document pivotal events in China’s history such as the Thanksgiving celebration of the victory of WWI in 1918, the May 4th movement in 1919, and Sun Yat-sen’s funeral in 1925.
Paifang Coming Down 庆祝一战胜利克林德碑被拆(1918年)
Victory Arch 公理战胜坊(原是克林德牌坊 1919年)
Thanksgiving Day Review, Hall of Supreme Harmony & Soldiers, Celebration of WWI victory 感恩节,庆祝一战胜利太和殿大阅兵上的军队(1918年11月28日)
Thanksgiving Day Review, President Making Speech, Celebration of WWI victory 感恩节大阅兵,庆祝一战胜利大总统徐世昌太和殿讲演(1918年11月28日)
Yenching Building 燕京大学建筑
Carved Pillar, Old Summer Place 圆明园遗迹
Opium Burning, Tables & Opiums 1918年焚烧鸦片,桌子上的鸦片烟
Anti-Opium Inspectors 1918年焚烧鸦片,鸦片稽查
Mem (Mass Education Movement) Office 定县平民教育运动机构大门1931-1932年
Devil Dance at Lama Temple, March 1, 1919, Dancer in Mask 雍和宫,1919年3月1日,打鬼舞,戴面具的舞者
Sui An Po – Mud 泥泞的遂安伯胡同
Princeton Court (Gamble with YMCA Secretaries) 普林斯顿大学中国中心—“北京普林斯顿”的院落,甘博与基督教青年会的干事们
June 28, 1919 Students Group under Pung 1919年6月28日学生们在棚子下合影
June 3, 1919, YMCA Students Speaking, & Police 1919年6月3日,基督教青年会学生讲演,周围的警察
June 3, 1919, YMCA Students Marching 1919年6月3日,基督教青年会学生游行
Sun Yat-sen Funeral, Hearse Decorated with Flowers 孙中山葬礼,鲜花装饰的灵车
November 29 Student Demonstration, Tiananmen Square 1919年11月29日,天安门广场,学生反日示威
Eddy and Yen Families 艾迪和晏阳初先生一家
Anti-Japan Parade Women Marching 定县女学生反日游行(1931)