Date | Event(s) |
1890 年 |
Born on July 12 in Cincinnati, Ohio, grandson of James Gamble, one of the co-founders of Proctor & Gamble. 出生于7月12日,俄亥俄州的辛辛那提市;其祖父为保洁公司的创始人之一。
1908 年 |
First sojourn in China. Traveled with parents to Hangzhou. 跟随父母第一次到中国杭州旅行。
1912 年 |
Graduated from Princeton University with a bachelor’s degree in literature. 毕业于普林斯顿大学,获文学学士学位。
1914-1916 年 |
Master of Arts degree in economics at the University of California at Berkeley. 毕业于加州大学伯克利分校,或经济学硕士学位。
1916-1917 年 |
Taught in the economics department, University of California at Berkeley. 于加州大学伯克利分校经济学系教授经济。
1916-1917 年 |
Arrived in China in May for second sojourn. With friends, traveled up the Yangzi River, from Zheijiang province deep into Sichuan province. 当年5月到达中国,开始第二次旅行。与友人一起从浙江沿长江而上,深入四川腹地。
1918 春 |
Visited flood relief camps in Tianjin and traveled to Beijing, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Ningbo, Hong Kong. Joined the YMCA in Beijing and became a member of Princeton University Center in China (Princeton Court). 探访天津受水灾地区,旅行到北京,福州,宁波,香港等地。加入北京的基督教青年会,并成为普林斯顿在中国项目成员。
1918 夏 |
Visited Beidaihe and Bei Niu Ding (Hebei). 旅行到北戴河和河北的背牛顶。
1918 秋 |
Conducted a social survey of Beijing while teaching economics at Yenching University. 在燕京大学教授经济学,并在北京进行社会调查。
1919 春 |
Visited Baoding and Kaifeng during Spring Festival, and Taishan, Jinan, and Qufu in March. 春节期间旅行到保定、开封;三月份到泰山、济南和曲阜。
1919 秋 |
Traveled to Hangzhou. 到杭州旅行。
1919 冬 |
Returned to Pasadena, California, in December, with negatives of 2,500 photographs taken during second sojourn. 12月回到加州的帕萨迪纳家中,带回在中国拍摄的2500张底片。
1921 年 |
Published first book, Peking: A Social Survey. 出版第一著作:《北京的社会调查》。
1924 春 |
Married Elizabeth Pritchard Lowe on January 18. Arrived in Beijing on March 13 to resume post as secretary of the YMCA. Conducting socio-economic surveys of Chinese family life. First trip to Miao Feng Shan in April. 1月18日语伊丽莎白·普里查德·洛结婚。3月13日回到北京,重新担任基督教青年会的干事。对中国家庭进行调查。4月第一次去妙峰山。
1924 秋 |
Traveled to Chengde, Tangshan, and Tianjin. 旅行到承德、唐山和天津。
1925 春 |
Traveled to Shanghai in January and returned to Beijing by way of Qinhuangdao and Tianjin. Second trip to Miao Feng Shan in April. 1月去上海,取道秦皇岛、天津回北京。4月第二次去妙峰山。
1925 秋 |
Taught at Yenching University.
1925 夏 |
Traveled to Japan to join Dr. and Mrs. Lowe, and accompanied them to Beijing. 到日本探望在当地旅游的岳父岳母,并和他们一起回北京
1926 春 |
Conducted research on prices, wages, and the standard of living in Beijing. Gamble’s first child born on March 21. 对北京的物价、工资、生活水平进行调查。3月21日甘博的第一个孩子(女儿)出生。
1926 秋 |
Accompanied wife and daughter back to the United States on November 11. 11月11日陪同妻子和女儿回到美国。
1927 春 |
Arrived in Shanghai on March 25; then traveled to Beijing by way of Qingdao and Tianjin. Took film footage of pilgrimage activities on a third trip to Miao Feng Shan in April. 3月25日到达上海;取道青岛、天津到北京。4月拍摄妙峰山进香盛会的片子。
1927 秋 |
Visited Dingxian where the National Association for the Mass Education Movement, led by Dr. James Yen, was based. 来到定县,这里是晏阳初博士领导的全国平民教育运动的总部。
1927 冬 |
Returned to the United States. 回到美国。
1929 年 |
Elected President of Princeton-Yenching Foundation. 当选普林斯顿-燕京基金会主席。
1931 夏 |
Yenching Building 651-3805 Returned to China for fourth and last sojourn. Became involved in the administration of Yenching University. 第4次也是最后一次来到中国。参与燕京大学的管理。
1931 秋 |
Moved to Dingxian to serve as research secretary for the Mass Education 搬到定县,成为平民教育运动的干事,负责华北农村的调查。
1932 春 |
Departed Shanghai for the United States on February 23. 2月23日从上海回美国。
1933-1968 年 |
Published books and articles on aspects of Chinese village and family life. Elected member of the National Council of the YMCA; President of Princeton-in-Asia. 出版发表了一系列研究中国农村和家庭生活的书和文章。当选基督教青年会全国委员会成员;普林斯顿在亚洲项目主席。
1968 年 |
Died in New York on March 29 at the age of 78. 3月29日在纽约去世,享年78岁。