Lab Photos

Department Retreat – April 2023

Lab Retreat – December 2022

Lab Potluck/Farewell to Emre (and Elizabeth) - May 2021

Also, congratulating that everyone has fully vaccinated 👍🏼

Elizabeth completed her PhD! - March, 2021

Farewell to Shengjie (Social-distancing version, 2020)

Congratulations, Shengjie! Now, Dr. Xu-Vanpala

Fun time away

2019 - Fun day thawing lab freezers

2019 Department Holiday Party

2019 July - Just another Monday lab meeting day

Lab Retreat 2019 @ King's Daughter's Inn

Nupur got a poster presentation award @ Aegean Conference (Rhodes, Greece) - 2019

Congratulations, Nupur!

Who is the beautiful bride?

Holiday Potluck -2018