- Special Holonomy: Progress and Open Problems 2020, virtual meeting online, 14, 16, and 18 Sept., 2020The collaboration will hold a VIRTUAL meeting on 14, 16, and 18 Sept., 2020, entitled “Special Holonomy: Progress and Open Problems 2020”. Scientific Organizers: Bobby Acharya bacharya@ictp.it, Mirjam Cvetič cvetic@physics.upenn.edu, and Jason Lotay jason.lotay@maths.ox.ac.uk. Our ...
- Moduli of special holonomy metrics and their periods: virtual meeting online, 1-5 June 2020The collaboration will hold a VIRTUAL meeting June 1-5, 2020, on the general topic of Moduli of special holonomy metrics and their periods. Scientific Organizers: Mark Haskins mhaskins@math.duke.edu, Jason Lotay jason.lotay@maths.ox.ac.uk, David ...
- Donaldson awarded the 2020 Wolf Prize in MathematicsCollaboration Principal Investigator Sir Simon Donaldson, as well as Stanford’s Yakov Eliashberg, have been awarded the 2020 Wolf Prize in Mathematics Awarded since 1978, the Wolf Prize recognizes “outstanding scientists and ...
- Geometry and Analysis of Moduli Spaces, Imperial College, 6-10 January 2020Arrival Date: Sunday January 5, 2020. Departure Date: Saturday January 11, 2020. All talks will be at Huxley Bldg 140. Registration and coffee/tea are in the ...
- Progress and Open Problems 2019: September 8-11, 2019, SCGP, Stony BrookArrival date: Saturday, September 7. Departure date: Wednesday afternoon, September 11, or Thursday, September 12. Schedule: SUN 8 SEP MON 9 SEP TUES 10 SEP WED 11 SEP 8:30 -9:30 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast 9:30-10:30 B. Lawson A. Hanany C. Hull C. Vafa 10:30-11:00 Coffee/tea Coffee/tea Coffee/tea Coffee/tea 11:00-12:00 M. Larfors R. Conlon G. Ball A. ...
- Special Holonomy and Calibrated Geometry, Imperial College, 3-7 June 2019Arrival Date: Sunday June 2, 2019. Departure Date: Saturday June 8, 2019. All talks will take place in the Huxley Building, room 140. Registration and coffee/tea are in the Huxley 5th ...
- Donaldson, Sun, & Xiu Xiong Chen awarded the Oswald Veblen prizeCollaboration Principal Investigators Sir Simon Donaldson and Song Sun, as well as their Stony Brook colleague Xiu Xiong Chen, will be awarded the Oswald Veblen Prize In Geometry by the ...
- Special Holonomy and Algebraic Geometry, Imperial College, 7-11 January 2019Arrival Date: Sunday January 6, 2019. Departure Date: Saturday January 12, 2019. Talks Mon-Wed will be at Huxley Bldg 140. Talks Thurs-Fri will take be at Huxley Blg 341 [ click ...
- Donaldson & Sun lectures at 2018 ICMRegarding the 2018 ICM: Simon Donaldson presented the opening plenary lecture – Some recent developments in Kähler geometry and exceptional holonomy. Written version: https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.03995 Song Sun gave a sectional lecture in ...
- Thomas Walpuski awarded 2018 Sloan FellowshipThomas Walpuski (Michigan State University) has been awarded a 2018 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in mathematics. Walpuski will receive a two-year, $65,000 stipend to advance his work on gauge theory ...
- Bobby Acharya awarded the Lawrence Bragg medal.Bobby Acharya, one of our Collaboration’s Principal Investigators, has been awarded the 2018 Lawrence Bragg medal from the Institute of Physics. Congratulations, Bobby!
- Progress and Open Problems 2018: September 9-12, 2018, SCGP, Stony BrookArrival date: Saturday, September 8. Departure date: Wednesday afternoon, September 12, or Thursday, September 13. Schedule: SUN 9 SEP MON 10 SEP TUES 11 SEP WED 12 SEP 8:30 -9:30 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast 9:30-10:30 E. Svanes S. Salamon S. Donaldson S. Gukov 10:30-11:00 Coffee/tea Coffee/tea Coffee/tea Coffee/tea 11:00-12:00 T. Walpuski Y. Tanaka Y. Zhang G. ...
- Geometric Flows and Special Holonomy, Imperial College, 4-8 June 2018Arrival Date: Sunday June 3. Departure Date: Saturday June 9. All but one of our meetings are in Huxley 140. Registration and coffee/tea are in the Huxley ...
- Structure of Collapsed Special Holonomy Spaces, Duke University, 9-13 April 2018Arrival date: Sunday, April 8, 2018. Departure date: Friday, April 13, 2018. The conference venue is the 21C Hotel in downtown Durham, North Carolina. Schedule MON 9 APR TUE 10 APR WED 11 APR THU 12 ...
- Sir Simon Donaldson to deliver the Marston Morse Lecture SeriesSir Simon Donaldson, one of our Collaboration’s Principal Investigators, will deliver the Marston Morse Lectures at the Institute for Advanced Study during the first week of April, 2018, under the ...
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