International Negotiations Project

Project description: Edward W. Barrett, director of the Communications Institute of the Academy for Educational Development, conducted a series of interviews with practitioners in the field of international negotiations and mediation of disputes. The interviews are preserved by the Oral History program and will be drawn on in delineating guidelines that may be useful to those mediating and negotiating international differences in the future. [Description from finding aid]

Regulatory significance: This project should be valuable to researchers interested in international law and the negotiation of transnational regulation. While most of the interviews appear to relate to national security rather than business regulation, at least one interview involves international bank and monetary regulation and another discusses the European common market.

RepositoryColumbia Center for Oral History

Interview dates: 1970-1973

Digital access: Only abstracts. No online transcripts or audio.

Physical access: For transcripts and audio, researchers may visit the Columbia Center for Oral History.


Interviewees: Theodore C. Achilles, 43; Frederik Arkhurst, 60; George W. Ball, 19; Lucius D. Battle, 51; Manlio Brosio, 24; W. Randolph Burgess, 29; Norman Cousins, 23; Rajeshwar Dayal, 35; Hugh Mackintosh Foot (Baron Caradon), 62; Gerald R. Ford, 34; Arthur Goldberg, 51, permission required; W. Averell Harriman, 353; Sir Geoffrey Harrison, 34; John D. Hickerson, 36; Max Jakobson, 51; Philip C. Jessup, 49; Joseph E. Johnson, 120, permission required; Khwaja Kaiser, 29; Theodore W. Kheel, 43; Robert Lovett, 28; John J. McCloy, 24; George C. McGhee, 48; Livingston D. Merchant, 41; Robert D. Murphy, 35; Kenneth Rush, 9; J. Robert Schaetzel, 59; Dirk Spierenberg, 39; Llewellyn Thompson, 29; Ernst Van Der Buegel, 51; Vladimir Velebit, 80; Sir Alan Watt, 67; Charles W. Yost, 21. Round table discussions of their roles in international negotiations; Paris Peace talks; SALT talks; Arab-Israeli discussions; Russian diplomacy; UN role in mediation. Participants: Edward W. Barrett, Andrew Cordier, Alvin Eurich, Adrian S. Fisher, Joseph E. Johnson, Henry Cabot Lodge, others. 104 pp. John M. Allison, 23; Davis Bobrow, 41; Emerson Chapin, 25; Theodore Chen, 26; Tillman Durdin, 20; Robert S. Elegant, 33; John Fairbank, 25; C.T. Hu, 18; Harold Isaacs, 9; T.B. Koh, 28; Daniel Lerner, 15; John Lindbeck, 18; Sidney Liu, 28; Ithiel de Sola Pool, 20; Lucien Pye, 32; Milton Sacks, 26; Sol Sanders, 52; Ezra Vogel, 23.