

In her Lasker Foundation winning essay, PhD candidate, Grace Beggs, proposes a PokemonGo-like smartphone app to get millennials excited about the biomedical sciences. Read more

Speaking Engagements

Erica Washington, PhD presented  “Complex Formation Among Trehalose Biosynthesis Proteins: Implications for Antifungal Drug Design” at the Mid-Atlantic Microbial Pathogenesis Meeting, Wintergreen VA.


Celebrating the basic sciences at Duke, Dick Brennan, PhD gave the event’s distinguished lecture. Read More.


Duke is getting into the CryoEM game and investing in the microscope that is integral to basic science research and drug development. Read More.

Grace Beggs, PhD candidate in the Brennan Lab, and her Emerging Leaders Institute team developed a list of time management tools that will help with the likes of work/life balance, procrastination, and prioritization. Read More.

Recent Graduates

Alex Kovach, PhD, May 2017 graduate
Bonnie Cuthbert, PhD, May 2017 graduate