Home » Cost of Opportunity 2018 Conference: Educate to Liberate

Cost of Opportunity 2018 Conference: Educate to Liberate

Conference Schedule

Date and Location: Friday 20 April 2019 in Duke Divinity School Basement Room 0014W. The conference will be recorded and  live streamed here.  See the write-up and summary of the conference here.

8:30AM:         Coffee and Bagels

9:00AM:          John French (History, Duke)

“In Defense of the Right to Higher Education: The Nova Iquacu Letter of March 1, 2018”

9:10AM:         Travis Knoll (Duke History ABD)

The Brazilian Higher Education Expansion: Achievements and Threats

9:30AM:          Dr. Marcia Pletsch (Pedagogy, Multidisciplinary Institute of the UFRRJ)

The Challenges Facing K-12 Education in the Baixada Fluminense (Rio Lowlands)

10:15AM:        Challenging Mobility: Calculating the Cost of Opportunity for Students in the Baixada Fluminense (team presentation)

10:30AM:        Eduardo Ângelo da Silva (History Doctoral Candidate, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro)

Leveling the Playing Field: The ENEM Exam as a Democratic Conquest

10:50AM:        Coffee

11:00AM:        Revolutionizing Public Higher Education in Brazil since 2004

(team presentation)

11:25AM:        Cesar Santos (EducAfro, Funai, Brazil)

Democratizing Higher Education in Brazil: The Experience of EducAfro

12:00PM:        Film: “Cost of Opportunity” by Dudu de Morro Agudo & Stephanie Reist

12:30PM:        Lunch

1:00PM:          Andrew Guinn (City and Regional Planning, University of North Carolina)

Dead End or Promising Beginning? PRONATEC and the Work of Training institutions in the PT Era

Respondent: Tito Matias (Fulbright Scholar from Brazil)

1:20PM:          Round Table: Paths to Higher Ed for Brazilians: Personal Experiences

Dr. Gustavo Silva (Biology, Duke), Eduardo Ângelo da Silva (UFRRJ), Matheus Dias (Duke), Luiza Perez (Duke).

Commentator: Cesar Santos

2:00PM:          The World Bank is Wrong. The Future of Brazilian Higher Education

(team presentation)

2:30PM:          Father Clarence Williams, CPPS, PhD. (Columbus Ohio)

Globalizing Racial Sobriety: Black Christianity and Solidarity in the Americas

3:15PM:          Coffee

3:30PM:          Children of the Revolution: What do they Study? What do they need? What is the impact on them? (team presentation)

4:00PM:          Chloe Ricks (International Comparative Studies, Duke),

Poverty, Anti-Blackness, and University Education in the Mississippi Delta and the Baixada Fluminense

4:25PM: Dr. Michele K. Lewis (Psychology, Winston Salem State University),

Examining Race, Identity, and Culture in Bahia with Winston-Salem State University Students: Using Photovoice to Educate During Study Abroad

5:10PM:          Dr. John D. French

Making Equity Number One: Using Brazil to Critique US Higher Education Disparities

5:30-6:00PM:  Dinner reception


Sponsors: Bass Connections Education and Human Development; Duke Brazil Initiative; Global Brazil Humanities and Social Movement labs of the John Hope Franklin Institute; Forum for Scholars and Publics; Kenan Institute for Ethics; Duke History Department.

For more information, contact conference coordinator Travis Knoll @ cell phone: 512 954-5624 , Email:  travis.knoll@duke.edu