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Duke Brazil Conference reflects on Bolsonaro’s rise

The election of Jair Bolsonaro to Brazil’s presidency surprised many observers and continued the global and regional resurgence of right-wing ascendancy. Since taking power, Bolsonaro’s government has allegedly threatened ideological purges of national scholarship recipients, promised to reverse the country’s now-consolidated quota policies, and downplay-if not eliminate entirely-land  and cultural rights for descendants of Brazil’s fugitive slave and indigenous populations. Duke’s 2019 Global Brazil Conference reflects on how Brazil arrived at this point and what Brazil’s educational community-within Brazil and abroad-can move forward.

Readers can find a detailed schedule below or at Duke’s Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies (CLACS) website:

Wednesday, February 27

6:30-8:00 P.M.            Keynote Address: Black Women Fight Back

Dr. Djamila Ribeiro


Thursday, February 28

9:30-10:00 A.M.         Coffee and Pastries

10:00-11:15 A.M.       Screening of I, A Black Woman, Resist

Introduction by Dr. Sharrelle Barber (Drexel University, Dornsife School of Public Policy, Department of Epidemiology and Statistics)

11:15-11:30 A.M.       Coffee Break

11:30 A.M.-Noon       Threats to Health Services

Dr. João Ricardo N. Vissoci (Duke Medical School)

Dr. Marta Rovery de Souza (Federal Univeristy of Goiás)

12:00-1:15 P.M.          Keynote Address: Crisis or Destiny?

Dr. Sílvio Luiz de Almeida (Universidade Mackenzie and Getúlio Vargas Foundation)

1:15-2:00 P.M.            Lunch Break

2:00-2:45 P.M.            Threats to Higher Education

                                    Dr. Stephanie Reist (Postdoctoral Associate, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro)

Chloe Ricks (Duke Liberal Studies)

2:45-3:00 P.M.            Coffee Break

3:00-3:45 P.M.            From Hope to Hate: The Rise of Conservative Subjectivity in Brazil

Dr. Rosana Pinheiro Machado (Federal University of Santa Maria)

3:45-4:15 P.M.            Threats to the Environment

                                    Dr. Stuart Pimm (Doris Duke Professor of Conservation, Nicholas School of the                                   Environment)

4:15-5:00 P.M.            Reading Brazil: Current Research from Duke

Ian Erickson-Kery, “Phantoms of Racial Democracy: Whiteness and Whitening  in Cruz e Souza and Cadernos Negros” (Duke Romance Studies)
Gray F. Kidd, “An Arcades Project in the Tropics, Or Collecting the Margins of a Periphery: Recife, 1971-1986” (Duke History)
Marcelo Noah, “Sonic Dynamics of a Concrete Poem: Listening to Augusto de Campos” (Duke Romance Studies)

5:00-6:30 P.M.            Keynote Address: Bolsonaro and Brazil’s Nostalgia for Death

Dr. John D. French (Duke History)

6:30-8:00 P.M.            Dinner and Music by Caique Vidal

Sponsored by Office of Global Affairs and the Hanscom Endowment, Duke Brazil Initiative, and Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies.

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