Developing Project Management Trainees (DEVELPMNT) Program

About Us

The purpose of DEVELPMNT is to introduce trainees to project management (PM) as a career and skill set. Our program is open to participants in all career stages, from undergraduate students to Duke staff!

Our program is partnered with known project management groups, university programs, and companies in an effort to build upon already well-established programs, network, and launch with a solid foundation.

We aim to provide participants with project management training ahead of entrance into the workforce and familiarize them with foundational knowledge to prepare for internships and employment.


Our application portal for the 2025 session is now closed. Applicants will receive their results via email once decisions have been finalized.

 Those interested in applying for the Spring 2026 DEVELPMNT Program should expect marketing and application materials to be available in November-December 2025.

Applicants should note that our program covers introductory project management topics. Current project managers or students with previous PM training would likely benefit from more advanced seminars.

Info Session

The 2025 DEVELPMNT Program Info Session was held on Zoom on December 2, 2024, from 12-1. Slides from the session can be accessed through Duke Box.

The DEVELPMNT program will provide the following:

A formal, multi-session workshop to learn about project management topics and tools

Access to the Project Management Community of Practice (PMCoP)

A greater understanding about PM as a career, what makes a successful PM, how to prepare for jobs, etc.

The opportunity to earn an internship with participating institutions upon completion of the program

2025 DEVELPMNT Program Schedule

Feb 6th

Session 1 General Introduction to Project Management

Feb 20th

Session 2 Getting a Project off the Ground

March 6th

Session 3 Monitoring and Controlling a Project

March 20th

Session 4
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Realm of Project Management

April 3rd

Session 5
Career Development

April 17th

Session 6 Project Management Career Panel

All sessions are scheduled to be held virtually from 12 – 1 PM.

The six-session workshop series is designed as follows:

    • Sessions 1-3: Participants will be assigned online reading modules to complete ahead of each meeting. Formal sessions will be led by a certified project manager and will serve as an opportunity to review course material as a group, ask questions, and discuss project management in theory vs. in-action. Small groups will then examine case studies or activities and work as a team to problem solve and apply the project management skills learned in each session.
    • Session 4: Trainees, workshop leaders, and potential mentors will engage in training and discussion about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion specifically in the realm of project management. Case studies and audio/visual materials will be provided for review ahead of discussion.
    • Session 5: This session will cover best practices for creating a successful resume tailored to a project management role and preparing for interviews. 
    • Session 6: Project Management professionals across different fields will be discussing their career paths, trajectories, and work experiences. They will be available to answer questions and offer advice about job preparation, pros/cons, etc.

Interested in serving as a project manager mentor?

The DEVELPMNT Program is seeking enthusiastic and engaged mentors in a wide range of Project Management fields. Our goal is to provide internship opportunities that enable participants to apply their course-gained knowledge in project management to real-life projects.

We will be recruiting mentors for our 2025 DEVELPMNT cohort from February 2025 – April 2025. The suggested duration for an internship position is June – August/September 2025.

For more information, please reference the resource links in the right-hand panel or follow this link to register as a mentor:
Mentor Registration

Meet the Team


Becca Moreci, PhD

Co-director, Duke CTSI

Delisa Clay, PhD

Co-director, External Partner

2025 DEVELPMNT Training Program Managers

Emily Neville

PhD Candidate, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology

Abby Poff

PhD Candidate, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology

Vennesa Valentine

PhD Candidate, Pharmacology and Cancer Biology


The application for the 2025 DEVELPMNT Program is now closed. Applications for the 2026 DEVELPMNT Program are expected to open in December 2025.

Applications for the 2025 DEVELPMNT program were due at 11:59PM on January 10th, 2025.

The first three sessions of the program will be based off the modules from the LinkedIn Learning course “Project Management Foundations” taught by Bonnie Biafore. This course is free for Duke students, staff, and faculty.

To access this course, please visit the OIT LinkedIn Learning website, click the yellow “Access LinkedIn Learning for Duke” button on the right-hand side of the page, and follow the subsequent instructions.

If you are currently a project manager and would like to volunteer to mentor an intern, please email

Below are helpful resources for project management trainees:

Duke ORAQ Training



Project Management Institute

PMI’s free Project Management for Beginners course

North Carolina Project Management Institute, Triangle Region

Presidential Management Fellowship

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)

Please direct any questions related to our program to