
Film Screenings

The Law in These Parts
Panelist: Ra’anan Alexandrowicz
February 10, 2016
(Ra’anan Alexandrowicz, 2013, 1 hr 41 mins)

The Law In These Parts

Israeli film director and screenwriter Ra’anan Alexandrowicz comes to Duke to discuss his award-winning film, The Law in These Parts, a documentary that sheds new light on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from an unexpected perspective. Alexandrowicz interviewed nine military judges in attempt to understand how Israel created a new legal system to control the Gaza Strip and West Bank after occupying them in 1967. Alexandrowicz will discuss, and foster discussion, about the questions his documentary raises: Can an occupation be achieved within a legal framework that includes genuine adherence to the principles of rule-of-law? Should it? What are the costs that a society engaged in such a long term exercise must bear? And what are the implications of the very effort to make a documentary film about such a system? Learn more.

Still Life: Experiences of Palestinian Exile
Panelist: Diana Allan
October 2, 2017
(Diana Allan, 2007, 25 min, Palestinian Territories/USA, in Arabic w/ English Subtitles, Digital)

The importance of place and memory in preserving a people’s history are crucial to Diana Allan’s illuminating documentary. Still Life examines the role that a series of personal photos that survived the 1948 displacement play in the life of Said Ismael Otruk, an elderly Palestinian from Acre now living in exile in Lebanon. These images play a central role as Said recalls his childhood and the halcyon days of his youth. His memories are not always accurate, so he relies on the photographs he managed to take with him. Learn More.

The Boy From H2
Panelist: Helen Yanovsky
November 9, 2017
(The Boy from H2: 2017, 20 mins, Arabic with English subtitles)

The Boy from H2 follows 12-year-old Muhammad Burqan, who lives in Area H2 of Hebron, a section of the city under full Israeli control. Israel imposes severe restrictions on the movement – by pedestrians and by car – of some 43,000 Palestinians living there. In Area H2, soldiers routinely detain children on suspicion of stone-throwing. Muhammad, who has nine siblings, is one of those children. His life revolves around his crowded home and the street, where he must deal with the constant presence of Israeli security forces and settlers. Helen Yanovsky is a film-maker and works for human rights organization B’Tselem. This film was created in collaboration with B’Tselem’s field researchers and Camera Project volunteers in Hebron, and produced by B’Tselem’s video department. Learn more.