Calling all 1Ls! OutLaw is now accepting applications for 1L representatives. The role is a substantial leadership position within OutLaw and serves as a means for learning a variety of skills associated with running a student group at Duke University School of Law. All 1Ls are encouraged to apply.
To access the application, please click here.
There are a host of opportunities for 1Ls to help chart the direction of OutLaw for the 2012-13 academic year. A 1L Representative can choose from a menu of options to help in OutLaw’s agenda by organizing planned events, creating and hosting an original programming, or supporting the executive board generally. For those that are planning on taking on a larger role in student organizations, such as OutLaw, this is terrific chance to gain insight from upper-level students on navigating the planning requirements at Duke.
Should you have any questions regarding the application, please email Ben Shellhorn at