Category Archives: Research
Triangle Business Journal Recognizes Farshid Guilak as Finalist for 2014’s Health Care Heroes
Farshid Guilak was selected as one of 55 finalists for the Triangle Business Journal’s 2014 Health Care Heroes. The Triangle Business Journal (TBJ) will host a special event on March 20 for all finalists, at which time this year’s winners will be announced. The 2014 winners will be featured in the March 21 issue of the TBJ.
Farshid Guilak Featured in Working @ Duke Magazine
Farshid Guilak, PhD is featured in the “Creating Bonds Outside the Classroom” article from the February/March 2014 edition of Working @ Duke Magazine. The article enlightens readers into how Duke’s faculty and staff are active participants in club sports throughout the University.
To read the article, turn to pages 8-9 of the magazine below:
Farshid Guilak Receives BMES’ First Innovator Award
Farshid Guilak, PhD was the recipient of the Biomedical Engieneering Society’s (BMES) first Innovator Award. The Pratt School of Engineering at Duke posted the following news release on their site regarding Dr. Guilak’s award:
WSRQ Interviews Dr. Farshid Guilak for Health IQ Podcast
Click the image to visit WSRQ’s website to listen to the January 23, 2014 podcast of Health IQ featuring Dr. Farshid Guilak. WSRQ’s Heidi Godmon interviews Dr. Guilak regarding his latest research concerning cartilage growth.
Farshid Guilak, PhD Awarded $500k for Osteoarthritis Research
WRAL TechWire highlights our own Farshid Guilak, PhD on his $500,000 2014 Investigator Award given by The Arthritis Foundation to fund continued research over the next 5 years for new osteoarthritis treatments.
To learn more about Dr. Guilak’s work with the Arthritis Foundation, check out the Innovative Research Grant Spotlight: Farshid Guilak.
Ortho Research on Cartilage Published in PNAS
Duke announced a press release today announcing the research published in January 14 edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). The article contnent discusses how adding chemicals to cartilage cells has resulted in cartilage growth. Read the full press release.
2013 Departmental Holiday Party Photos
Ortho Research Team Develops Better Recipe for Synthetic Replacement Cartilage in Joints

Figure caption: Tiny interwoven fibers make up the three-dimensional fabric “scaffold” into which a strong, pliable hydrogel is integrated and injected with stem cells, forming a framework for growing cartilage. This image appears on the cover of the Advanced Functional Materials Dec. 17, 2013. Credit: courtesy of Frank Moutos and Farshid Guilak.
Published in the journal of Advanced Functional Materials Volume 23, Issue 47, page 5825, December 17, 2013
A Duke research team has developed a better recipe for synthetic replacement cartilage in joints.
Tiny interwoven fibers make up the three-dimensional fabric “scaffold” into which a strong, pliable hydrogel is integrated and injected with stem cells, forming a framework for growing cartilage. This image appears on the cover of the Advanced Functional Materials Dec. 17, 2013. Credit: courtesy of Frank Moutos and Farshid Guilak
Combining two innovative technologies they each helped develop, Farshid Guilak, a professor of orthopedic surgery and biomedical engineering, found a way to create artificial replacement tissue that mimics both the strength and suppleness of native cartilage. The results of this work appear Dec. 17 in the journal Advanced Functional Materials.
Articular cartilage is the tissue on the ends of bones where they meet at joints in the body – including in the knees, shoulders and hips. It can erode over time or be damaged by injury or overuse, causing pain and lack of mobility. While replacing the tissue could bring relief to millions, replicating the properties of native cartilage — which is strong and load-bearing, yet smooth and cushiony — has proven a challenge.
In 2007 Guilak and his team developed a three-dimensional fabric “scaffold” into which stem cells could be injected and successfully “grown” into articular cartilage tissue. Constructed of minuscule woven fibers. The finished product is about 1 millimeter thick.
Since then, the challenge has been to develop the right medium to fill the empty spaces of the scaffold — one that can sustain compressive loads, provide a lubricating surface and potentially support the growth of stem cells on the scaffold. Materials supple enough to simulate native cartilage have been too squishy and fragile to grow in a joint and withstand loading. “Think Jell-O,” says Guilak. Stronger substances, on the other hand, haven’t been smooth and flexible enough.
To address this issue, Guilak started working with Xuanhe Zhao, assistant professor of mechanical engineering and materials science. Zhao proposed a theory for the design of durable hydrogels (water-based polymer gels) and in 2012 collaborated with a team from Harvard University to develop an exceptionally strong yet pliable interpenetrating-network hydrogel.
“It’s extremely tough, flexible and formable, yet highly lubricating,” Zhao says.
He and Guilak began working together to integrate the hydrogel into the fabric of the 3-D woven scaffolds in a process Zhao compares to pouring concrete over a steel framework.
In their experiments, the researchers compared the resulting composite material to other combinations of Guilak’s scaffolding embedded with previously studied hydrogels. The tests showed that the composite material was tougher than the competition with a lower coefficient of friction. And though the resulting material did not quite meet the standards of natural cartilage, it easily outperformed all other known potential artificial replacements across the board, including the hydrogel and scaffolding by themselves.
The team’s next step will likely be to implant small patches of the synthetic cartilage in animal models, according to Guilak.
Their work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health grants AG15768, AR50245, AR48182, AR48852, the Arthritis Foundation, the Collaborative Research Center, AO Foundation, Davos, Switzerland and the NSF (CMMI-1253495, CMMI-1200515, and DMR-1121107).
The ARRR-thritis Buccaneers Raise $5,190 to Fight Arthritis
The Duke Orthopaedics ARRR-thritis Buccaneers raised $5,190 ($3,190 over their initial team goal) at The Jingle Bell Run/Walk held on Saturday, December 7 to benefit The Arthritis Foundation. Way to go Buccaneers! The entire event raised $111,449.00 which will be used to help fund arthritis research, education, and initiatives that will help improve the lives of those suffering from arthritis and related conditions.