Home » Meditation and Sensory Spaces
Category Archives: Meditation and Sensory Spaces
LDOC 2023 Resource
The Academic Resource Center is open to students during LDOC!
Join them for free snacks, a sensory friendly space, and a break from the festivities on West Campus.
4 East Campus Union Dr.
Box 90694
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708-0694
Take a Moment to Breathe
Find time in your day to pause, breathe, and reflect — your brain and body will thank you!
Below is a list of open spaces on campus for a moment calm or mediation. You can also check out this interactive map of spaces at Duke University.
Bryan Center: Buddhist Room (0045)
Duke Cancer Center Quiet Room
Duke Gardens: Find a quiet bench or take a meditative stroll.
Duke Medicine Pavillion Chapel
Duke University Chapel
Keohane Quad (West Campus) 4B401: The Mosaic
Oasis East & West
Perkins Library: Prayer and Meditation Room 220
- Open during library hours to any member of the Duke community.
Student Wellness Center:
CAPS: Being Well Room.
- Open M-F, from 8-5 pm, please stop by the CAPS front desk to request to use the space.
Murphy-Nimcocks Meditation Garden.
- Open year round, weather permitting.
Wannamaker Residence Hall, Floor 0
Please comment below if other locations should be added to this list.