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Welcome to Neurodiversity Connections!

Neurodiversity Connections was founded in 2016 by faculty, students, staff, and administrators who believe that the Duke community is enriched by the many contributions of neurodivergent students.  Our goal is to increase awareness and promote inclusion of neurodiversity in all campus spaces. Please browse this website  resources and upcoming events focused on neurodiversity.

Neurodiversity recognizes the diversity of human minds and the inherent worth of all individuals.  As a social justice movement, the neurodiversity movement aims to celebrate the strengths and advocate for the needs of those with autism, ADHD, and other neurological differences.

"Neurodiversity may be every bit as crucial for the human race as biodiversity is for life in general. Who can say what form of wiring will prove best at any given moment?" Quote from Harvey Blume. Atlantic, September 1998.