New Resources for Faculty
We are excited to share new videos that we’ve created for faculty. Please feel free to share these resources widely and reach out if you have questions!
Neurodiversity 101
Learn more about neurodiversity from two members of Neurodiversity Connections in an 11 min video.
Domains of Inclusion
Dr. Sam Brandsen shares an overview of how to increase inclusion in the key domains that impact the student experience: sensory processing, timing & structure, group work, belonging in a 15 min video! Slides are available for download.
2024 NC Neurodiversity Career Summit
Student Registration:
Employer Registration:
Become an employer: email our team at
Helpful Career Fair Tips for Students
Neurodiversity Connections began hosting the North Carolina Neurodiversity Career Summit in 2022. This event was previously hosted through North Carolina State University under the leadership of Wesley Wade. Recognizing the need for such an important event, Duke University’s Neurodiversity Connection group agreed to take on the hosting task to ensure North Carolina students would continue to have the opportunity to support and engagement with neurodiverse-supportive employers. We partner with the Duke University Career Center to host this annual virtual event, and are fortunate to have received sponsorship from the Blackshear-Heaton Fund, Office for Institutional Equity and Office of Undergraduate Education. The Summit is open to any college students from North Carolina.
The Career Center recruits neurodiversity-informed employers from various fields. In years past we had representation from healthcare, journalism/publishing, government (federal and state), energy, information technology, biotech/pharmaceuticals, and consulting.
The event is co-planned by university staff, faculty and students. Each year the student planning committee helps select an opening keynote speaker or panel to discuss relevant topics related to neurodiversity (how to navigate the recruitment process, how and/or when to disclose to your employer about your neurodiversity, how to navigate management, how to navigate corporate or freelance employment). Career Fair participants have the opportunity to interactive live with speakers and ask questions.
After the keynote, participants can enter one-on-one meetings with various employers. Since the event is virtual, students can schedule the meetings around their class schedule.
The Career Center offers preparation and follow-up support sessions for students to ensure they field comfortable and prepared for the event and how to follow up with employers.
2023 NC Neurodiversity College Career Summit
The virtual 2023 NC Neurodiversity College Career Summit connects NC college students pursuing degree-related (paid) internships and full-time opportunities with employers who are seeking to establish or maintain work environments supporting neurodiversity. The event includes a keynote session and time for students to engage with employers to discuss interests and opportunities.
Friday, November 3, 2023
10 AM – 11 AM: Keynote speaker Eric Garcia
Eric Garcia is a senior Washington correspondent at The Independent and a columnist for MSNBC. He is the author of We’re Not Broken: Changing the Autism Conversation. Previously, he was an assistant editor at the Washington Post’s Outlook section and an associate editor at The Hill, as well as a correspondent for National Journal,MarketWatch, and Roll Call. He has also written for the Daily Beast, the New Republic, and Garcia is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
11 AM – 2 PM: 1:1 meetings with employers
Register for more details!
LDOC 2023 Resource
The Academic Resource Center is open to students during LDOC!
Join them for free snacks, a sensory friendly space, and a break from the festivities on West Campus.
4 East Campus Union Dr.
Box 90694
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708-0694
2022 North Carolina Neurodiversity College Career Summit
Information I Connections I Opportunities
October 28, 2022, 10 A.M. – 2 P.M.
Join us for a free, virtual career summit– open to college students and recent graduates from North Carolina.
- 10am-11am: Open Keynote/Panel (open to students and employers)
- 11am-11:15am: Break and shift to networking portion
- 11:15pm-1:15pm: Rotational networking opportunities (company introductions beginning every 30 minutes)
- 1:15pm-2pm: Open networking time(opportunity for 1:1 time with employers)
Join us for supplemental sessions to enhance your experience:
Preparation Session: 10/13, 12- 1 p.m.,
Follow-up Session: 11/3, 12-1 p.m.,
Autism Acceptance Month 2022 with Legislator & Autistic Self-Advocate Rep. Jessica Benham
Please join the Duke Center for Autism and Brain Development as we celebrate Autism Acceptance Month 2022 with Representative Jessica Benham (D-PA), April 14th at 4:00 p.m. Eastern, presenting “Overcoming Stigma, Not Autism: Why Being Autistic Makes Me a Good Legislator.”
This virtual, free event is open to all and sponsored by the Duke Center for Autism and Brain Development and Duke POLIS: Center for Politics.Rep. Benham, sworn into the Pennsylvania House of Representatives last year, is one of only a handful of US politicians who self-disclose as autistic, and as a bisexual woman, one of the few LGBTQ women in politics. Before her election, Rep. Benham founded the Pittsburgh Center for Autistic Advocacy, a grassroots self-advocacy project run by autistic people. She is an advocate for the rights of autistic people, especially for increased access to individualized education for public school students, addressing healthcare access barriers, and opening doors to employment for neurodiverse individuals.
2021 Neurodiverse College & Career Summit
One of our members, Shreyas Hallur, is inviting the Duke community to attend an event hosted by the Neurodiversity Education and Research Center (NERC) via Zoom on Saturday October 16, 2021. The Neurodiverse College & Career Summit will be hosted online and feature a keynote from Hailey Moss as well as discussion from a number of employers who are invested in hiring neurodiverse employees, and colleges who will describe their programming for students. Register here.
Career Readiness Seminar for Students and Alumni
Career fairs are a great way to engage with employers, explore career options, and expand your network. The Career Readiness Series is designed to help students and alumni attending the North Carolina Autistic Career Summit. Participants will learn how to prepare for virtual career fairs, how to maximize their experience at the fair, and what steps to take following the event.
The seminars are:
9/14 from 7-8 pm
9/29 from 12-1 pm
The North Carolina Autistic Career Summit is free but requires separate registration (info here)
The series is co-sponsored by the Duke Career Center, NC State Career Center, the LiNC-IT program, and Neurodiversity Connections.
A Statewide Collaboration for Autism Acceptance & Advancement in the Workplace
NC State is hosting the third annual North Carolina Autistic Career Summit on September 23 & 24 from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm. This virtual event will feature internationally known keynote speakers, a career fair, and sessions focused on optimizing the job search experience for autistic adults. The event is free to the public, and we encourage our students and alumni to attend!
Details and registration information is online.
Seeking Accommodations
The Student Disability Access Office (SDAO) works with students to increase accessibility on campus in both academics and residential life. While having a neurodevelopmental condition does not necessarily mean you will need assistance, they can provide accommodations like extended time on assessments or assignments, accommodated dorm assignments and other help. Even if you are able to succeed academically without SDAO accommodations, they can help make life at Duke a little bit easier to handle.
The SDAO hosts student office hours. Click here to learn more.
What if I haven’t been approved for accommodations yet?
The approval process for accommodations can take a while, especially if you are getting tested during the semester. The best thing to do if you need accommodations in the moment is to communicate this to your Academic Dean or your professors to discuss your options.
Check out Dr. Tara Chandrasekhar, M.D. and Dr. Cort Schneider, the former Director of the Student Disability Access Office’s conversation about the basics of the accommodations process at Duke.