
Halloween Social!

First In-Person Meeting since COVID!


Jackbox Virtual Game Night!

Staying at home and feel bored? Want to celebrate the end of this semester? Join us for a fun-filled, Jackbox game night! Fill the Quadratic survey now!


Navigating through Graduate School: General Body Meeting


I hope you are enjoying this cool fall weather! We are reaching out to share some important information!

1. Navigating through Graduate School: General Body Meeting — October 8th, 5:30 PM ET
Are you an undergraduate or masters student applying to graduate school? Even a first-year graduate student? Join us for our first graduate student panel and ask your burning questions to experienced graduate students.

2. Fall availability: PLEASE ANSWER OUR SURVEY 🙂
We would like to ask you to fill out the following two question qualtrics survey in order to pick the best times for our next events and meetings.

3. Don’t forget to join our Facebook group:

4. Happy birthday!
We would like to extend a happy birthday to our September birthdays: Jordan McCourt, Manoj Kumar Jana, Yi Xie, Bander Linjawi, Joseph Zhang, and Hunter Newman!
Want a birthday shout out? Want to be included in the directory to make connections? If you haven’t filled out our directory, please fill out the following link:

Workshop on “Implicit Bias and Microaggressions”

Thanks for all the attendants of the workshop! It was fabulous and a great way to learn from equality and celebrate the difference between people. Please reach out to officers with any additional questions, comments, and ideas. Stay tuned for more events coming soon!


MRS Mingle and Chat — THANK YOU!





Getting to know the new MRS@Duke members!
The first virtual MRS@Duke meet up

Thank you so much for an excellent turn-out today. We are so excited for the future of this club with some great feedback and ideas. Please reach out to officers with any additional questions, comments, and ideas. Stay tuned for more events coming soon!


MRS Mingle and Chat

Join us for this social event to meet your fellow MRS members! We will have an icebreaker, games, and time for suggestions/questions to workshop how our chapter can best serve you!


Welcome to MRS@Duke

We are Materials Research Society at Duke.

MRS@Duke is an independent student run organization and is instated under the umbrella of globally known society “MRS” to develop a framework wherein materials discipline can convene, collaborate, integrate and advocate the science throughout the world. The primary goal of the society is to facilitate association and communication between the students/faculties working in the field of materials science to promote on and off campus research.

We organize professional development activities such as symposiums, poster competitions, field trips, mentoring programs, panel discussions, career readiness seminars, industrial social events but are not limited to it. We intend to organize informal social events like trivia nights, science and art competitions along with innovation & creativity festivals. Not only we offer MRS conference travel support, project grants for student ideas but we also provide a platform to connect and collaborate with the faculties from the Duke Materials Initiative (DMI). We welcome you all to be a part of this closely knitted society and looking forward to great events to follow. Stay connected…