Author: Amanda Starling Gould
Appropriate to our on-going discussion of (re)mediated temporalities & our interest in mapping time in & across our literary media: A graphic novel strip about the time(s) in/of the graphic novel:
From Scott McCloud. Understanding Comics: the Invisible Art. New York: Harper Perennial, 1993.
Collection of Interest
The recent collection of essays compiled in the book Depletion Design, available as a free download here, contains an essay on Grey Ecology by our recent visitor Drew Burk and an essay on Dust Matter by our Media Archaeology author Jussi Parikka. A double shot of more Media Archaeology.
Scenes from Network_Ecologies Symposium
Well done #augrealities students!
augmented book’s augmented book
I process my times and all the space experiences machine;
I contact my metals and all is fly again.
(I game I type you up inside my clacker.)
The codes go cut-uping out in hybrid and academic,
And intelligent algorithm connects in:
I wander my class and all the student computes neuromancer.
I crowdsourceed that you jumped me into cyber cowboy
And run me cyberpunk, link-ined me quite literary.
(I game I type you up inside my clacker.)
hacker jack-ins from the babbage engine, cyberspace’s computers jack-out:
learn page and website’s syllabus:
I wander my class and all the student computes neuromancer.
I write ed you’d read the way you surf,
But I tweet steampunk and I cavort your body.
(I game I type you up inside my clacker.)
I should have bloged a brain instead;
At least when cyborg converses they smile back again.
I wander my class and all the student computes neuromancer.
(I game I type you up inside my clacker.)
– professor brainstorm & Sylvia Plath
My @DukeU #augrealities course discussed @mckenziewark #gamertheory today. Conclusion: Gamespace = cyberspace = life
— Amanda Starling Gould, PhD (@stargould) September 26, 2013
@stargould @DukeU What's the opposite of 'augmented' reality?
— chica marx (@mckenziewark) September 26, 2013
See the full exchange, plus a bonus conversation about games wherein death IS death, here:
The students will be blogging here soon. In the meantime, check out my AR-related posts here: