Lit 80, Fall 2013

Author: Amanda Starling Gould

Sheel’s One Slide

Joy’s One Slide

Graphic Novel Temporalities

Appropriate to our on-going discussion of (re)mediated temporalities & our interest in mapping time in & across our literary media: A graphic novel strip about the time(s) in/of the graphic novel:

McCloud, Understanding Comics, p104

McCloud, Understanding Comics, p104

McCloud, Understanding Comics, p 104.

McCloud, Understanding Comics, p 104.


From Scott McCloud. Understanding Comics: the Invisible Art. New York: Harper Perennial, 1993.

Grey Ecology and Dust Matter

Collection of Interest

The recent collection of essays compiled in the book Depletion Design, available as a free download here, contains an essay on Grey Ecology by our recent visitor Drew Burk and an essay on Dust Matter by our Media Archaeology author Jussi Parikka. A double shot of more Media Archaeology.

Media Archaeology Chat with Jussi Parikka and Drew Burk

Media Arch chat with Jussi Parikka and Drew Burk

Media Arch chat with Jussi Parikka and Drew Burk


Media Arch Chat with Jussi Parikka and Drew Burk

Scenes from Network_Ecologies Symposium

Well done #augrealities students!

augmented book’s augmented book, a live madlib collaboration

augmented book’s augmented book

I process my times and all the space experiences machine;
I contact my metals and all is fly again.
(I game I type you up inside my clacker.)

The codes go cut-uping out in hybrid and academic,
And intelligent algorithm connects in:
I wander my class and all the student computes neuromancer.

I crowdsourceed that you jumped me into cyber cowboy
And run me cyberpunk, link-ined me quite literary.
(I game I type you up inside my clacker.)

hacker jack-ins from the babbage engine, cyberspace’s computers jack-out:
learn page and website’s syllabus:
I wander my class and all the student computes neuromancer.

I write ed you’d read the way you surf,
But I tweet steampunk and I cavort your body.
(I game I type you up inside my clacker.)

I should have bloged a brain instead;
At least when cyborg converses they smile back again.
I wander my class and all the student computes neuromancer.

(I game I type you up inside my clacker.)

– professor brainstorm & Sylvia Plath

Create Your Own Madlib on

Augmenting Realities w/McKenzie Wark – a Storify of Tweets

See the full exchange, plus a bonus conversation about games wherein death IS death, here:


The students will be blogging here soon. In the meantime, check out my AR-related posts here:

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