Electronic Literature Works for #augrealities

Find your Name and Assigned Works. Be prepared to present your assigned works but please feel free to explore the rest. You will be writing an Electronic Literature Critique Blog this week so if you positively hate your assigned readings and do not want to write about them, you must still present them but you may choose others for your E-Lit Critique.

Note: We will not necessarily present in this order; we’ll draw names from a virtual hat instead.



JR Carpenter, City stories

Jody Zellen, Death Moves it Forward

Marvin Bell, Why Do You Stay Up So Late?



Christine Wilks, “Rememori”

Jason Nelson, “Uncontrollable Semantics”

Andy Campbell and Jhave, Zone



Jason Nelson, Infinite Syberia

Dan Waber and Jason Pimble, I, You, We

Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar, We Feel Fine



Deena Larsen, Firefly

Jason Lewis, Nine

Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, Nippon, All Fall Down, Traveling to Utopia: With a Brief History of theTechnology & any others on their website: Y0UNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES



Nick Montfort and Stephanie Strickland, The Sea and Spar Between

Alan Bigelow, Because You Asked

Dan Waber, Writing Through Time & Strings



Robert Kendall, Candles for a Street Corner

Andy Campbell, Dim O’Gauble

Eugenio Tisselli, Degenerative