For my final project, I am diving deeper into permaculture. More specifically, I plan to write about how Hawaiʻis traditional environmental knowledge was used to create a sustainable society and what it might take to go back to this in modern times tying in the ethics and guiding principles of…
The World We Made
It was interesting to me that although Jonathon Porritt talks a great deal about equity, gender and race are missing in The World We Made. He talks about environment for ALL but doesn’t talk about the all. Evolving ourselves and our society for the better through technology will require a…
Paris, COP23, Policy etc.
The Paris Agreement signed by 196 nations within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change deals with greenhouse gas emission mitigation, adaptation and finance. It is essentially the world agreeing on a path forward. However, after reading the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, hearing the June 2017 announcement that the U.S.…
Catherine Flowers
Yesterdays discussion inspired me to go back and read what everyone’s initial responses were about our talk with Ms. Flowers and I realize mine didn’t post (I was on the road when I submitted it and I guess I didn’t have as good of reception as I thought I did).…
Science should not be political therefore the NSF should not be political. As much as our current administration may think, there are not always two sides in science as there is in politics. Likewise having an agenda doesn’t necessarily mean it is political. Science can be an agenda on its…
If you drop the phrase “climate change” into a casual conversation, chances are the minds around you will flood with images of destruction and tragedy. Hurricanes, species loss, droughts and pandemics have become our collective mental image of the future whenever the topic arises and we’re already seeing it happen…
I arrived in Ecotopia in late August. It is now approaching early October. I have spent little time here, but it has been enough to see that Ecotopia seems to be going back in time. There has been many advances in environmental policy, and gender equality that we should think…
Response to Pacific Edge
In KSR’s Pacific Edge, an ecological utopia has been reached in a near future California where company sizes were limited; land, water and energy were nationalized; green ideas were respected and taken seriously; people did town work; they lived in common houses; and they took shifts taking care of the…
Fiction Can Change Our Future
It’s not hard to see why people can be critical of fiction’s role in society. We spend a huge amount of time lost in stories, with the average American spending four hours per day watching television alone according to the A.C. Nielsen Co. Thus it is easy to see why critics…
Do you feel more comfortable in the woods or downtown in a city? Why do you think that is so? Does your comfortability shape what you value? I once read an article published by Kamehameha Schools about how contemporary geographic growth patterns point out the rise of placelessness across the…