Science should not be political therefore the NSF should not be political. As much as our current administration may think, there are not always two sides in science as there is in politics. Likewise having an agenda doesn’t necessarily mean it is political. Science can be an agenda on its own with the intent of informing policy with fact. Thus I feel every field in science should have an agenda, a plan or list of matters to be discussed and acted upon. This does not mean other research doesn’t happen, it simply means there are pressing issues we need to face in each field requiring our focus and urgency. I think it is naïve to think that everything will be politically correct, especially when it comes to science, but I do not think we should ignore, push to the side, or falsify science and pressing issues in our society because we are trying to find opposition that isn’t there. We don’t question the integrity or validity of medical research, nor do we try to falsify it. We don’t stop researchers from finding the cure for cancer, nor do we sensor information about its potential causes or the risks they have on human life. So why are we doing this with climate change? Why has the environment become so political? Why are we feeding this epidemic that will ultimately cause destruction to our environment and harm to humanity? Obviously this is the result of ones opinion and own self interest rather than based on scientific evidence. If we are presented with fact, we need to take action, educate and continue inquiry. Science with integrity is the answer to our future.
- Climate & Parties
- Catherine Flowers, and Change Blossoms