Tag Archives: universidad
Fausto Paguada
Fausto Paguada, originally from Honduras, arrived in NC in 2004. He speaks about the diversity and growth of the Latino population in Durham over the years as well as the growth of Latino businesses. He believes that there are … Continue reading
Graciela Vidal
Graciela Vidal is a professor at Duke University in the Spanish Language Program. She moved to the United States from Mendoza, Argentina, many years ago. She became a professor in the United States, and also cares for family. Graciela Vidal es una profesora … Continue reading
Perla Saavedra Hernandez
Humberto Rodriguez
Interview Summary: Humberto talks about where he is from, moving to the United States and where he lived before Durham. Interview Summary: Humberto talks about his jobs in Durham and the difference between immigrant culture in California and Durham. Interview … Continue reading
Ingrid Bravo
Ingrid Bravo was born in New York. Her parents are from Honduras and Educador and immigrated in the earlier 1990s. Ingrid is a student at UNC-CH. Interview Segments: Ingrid talks about where her family is from and what they do … Continue reading