Tag Archives: Andrea
Interview Segments: Maria talks about her job at La Vaquita and her family (0:00-0:34) Maria describes how she and her brother started her business and the struggles she’s faced as a Latina entrepreneur (1:00-1:36) Maria talks about how learning English … Continue reading
Katushka Olave: Immaculate Conception Church
Interview Summary: Katushka talks about the differences within the Latino community and the diversities each culture brings, and the circumstances that lead immigrants to come to the United States, as well as what issues and social conditions arise after migrating.
Ingrid Bravo
Ingrid Bravo was born in New York. Her parents are from Honduras and Educador and immigrated in the earlier 1990s. Ingrid is a student at UNC-CH. Interview Segments: Ingrid talks about where her family is from and what they do … Continue reading