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Success Stories

Some examples of literary works that La Pluma members have successfully published on local and national levels are below.

Kyle Geurink, MD, a resident in internal medicine at Duke, presented his soulful recounting of a difficult night in the ICU to La Pluma for edits and suggestions prior to its publication in the Journal of Graduate Medical Education: 

Geurink KR. ICU Delirium. J Grad Med Educ. 2020;12(1):115-116. doi:10.4300/JGME-D-19-00523.1

Nathan Swanson, a staff assistant in Duke’s Population Research Institute, presented La Pluma with the tale of how a neighbor’s illness and untimely death compelled him to pursue a passion of his.  He submitted the story to a columnist in the Wall Street Journal, which prompted an interview and report on his story:


Govind Krishnan, MD, a resident in the medicine/pediatrics program at Duke, published “Watching Cricket with My Father,” a thought-provoking essay on the nature of hope, in the Fall 2019 issue of VOICEShttps://sites.duke.edu/lapluma/duke-voices/

Lindsey Chew, a current Duke medical student, and Jenna Hynes, MD, a resident in OB/GYN, have had pieces originally presented to La Pluma that have been accepted for publication in the Fall 2020 issue of VOICES.