La Pluma meetings take place monthly, on Tuesday evenings at 6 PM. During these meetings, group members discuss aspects of narrative craft, review pieces of writing by other members and give feedback.
For 2024, we will alternate between in-person and zoom meetings. In-person meetings will take place in 108A Seeley Mudd Building (the Trent Center conference room) except where noted, with a focus on craft and writing prompts. Zoom meetings will be an opportunity to workshop and give feedback on pieces sent in by members.
Meeting Dates
THURSDAY Sept 26th, 6-7 PM, on Zoom
Tuesday, October 15th, 5:30-7PM in person (dinner provided)
Tuesday, November 19th, 6-7PM, on Zoom
Tuesday December 17th, 5:45-7PM, in person (dinner provided) – starting a bit later than normal due to scheduling!
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NOTE: 108A Seeley Mudd Building is a conference room in the Trent Center office suite. It is one floor below the entrance to the Medical Center Library building.