Multicritical dissipative phase transitions in the anisotropic open quantum Rabi model
Guitao Lyu, Korbinian Kottmann, Martin B. Plenio(c), and Myung-Joong Hwang(c)
Cavity magnonics with easy-axis ferromagnet: critically enhanced magnon squeezing and light-matter interaction
Jongjun M. Lee, Hyun-Woo Lee(c), and Myung-Joong Hwang(c)
Physical Review B 108, L241404 (2023)
Anomalous criticality with bounded fluctuations and long-range frustration induced by broken time-reversal symmetry
Jinchen Zhao and Myung-Joong Hwang(c)
Physical Review Research 5, L042016 (2023)
Topological magnon-photon interaction for cavity magnonics
Jongjun M. Lee, Myung-Joong Hwang(c), and Hyun-Woo Lee(c)
Communications Physics 6, 194 (2023)
Dynamical scaling laws in the quantum q-state clock chain
Jia-Chen Tang, Wen-Long You, Myung-Joong Hwang, Gaoyong Sun(c)
Physical Review B 107, 134303 (2023)
Frustrated Superradiant Phase Transition
Jinchen Zhao and Myung-Joong Hwang(c)
Physical Review Letters 128, 163601(2022)
Quantum Statistical Enhancement of the Collective Performance of Multiple Bosonic Engines
G. Watanabe, B. P. Venkatesh, P. Talkner, M.-J. Hwang, and A. del Campo
Physical Review Letters 124, 210603 (2020)
Dynamical Scaling Laws of Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators
B.-B. Wei, G. Sun, and M.-J. Hwang
Physical Review B 100, 195107 (2019)
Universality in the Decay and Revival of Loschmidt Echoes
Myung-Joong Hwang, Bo-Bo Wei, Susana F. Huelga, Martin B. Plenio
Ultrastrong coupling regime of non-dipolar light-matter interactions
S. Felicetti, M.-J. Hwang, A. Le Boité
Physical Review A, 98, 053859 (2018)
Dissipative phase transition in the open quantum Rabi model
M.-J. Hwang, P. Rabl, and M. B. Plenio
Physical Review A 97, 013825 (2018)
Spin-mechanical Scheme with Color Centers in Hexagonal Boron Nitride Membranes
M. Abdi, M.-J. Hwang, M. Aghtar, and M. B. Plenio
Physical Review Letters 119, 233602 (2017)
Protected ultrastrong coupling regime of the two-photon quantum Rabi model with trapped ions
R. Puebla, M.-J. Hwang, J. Casanova, and M. B. Plenio
Physical Review A 95, 063844 (2017)
Probing the Dynamics of Superradiant Quantum Phase Transition in a Single Trapped-Ion
R. Puebla, M.-J. Hwang, J. Casanova, and M. B. Plenio
Physical Review Letters 118, 073001 (2017)
Metastability in the driven-dissipative Rabi model
A. Le Boité, M.-J. Hwang, and M. B. Plenio
Physical Review A 95, 023829 (2017)
Quantum Phase Transition in the Finite Jaynes-Cummings Lattice Systems
M.-J. Hwang and M. B. Plenio
Physical Review Letters 117, 123602 (2016)
Fate of photon blockade in the deep strong coupling regime
A. Le Boité, M.-J. Hwang, and M. B. Plenio
Physical Review A 94, 033827 (2016)
Excited-state quantum phase transition in the Rabi model
R. Puebla, M.-J. Hwang, and M. B. Plenio
Physical Review A 94, 023835 (2016)
Recurrent Delocalization and Quasiequilibration of Photons in Coupled Systems in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics
M.-J. Hwang, M. S. Kim, and M.-S. Choi
Physical Review Letters 116, 153601 (2016)
Quantum Phase Transition and Universal Dynamics in the Rabi Model
M.-J. Hwang, R. Puebla, and M. B. Plenio
Physical Review Letters 115, 180404 (2015) (Selected as Editors’ Suggestion)
Large-scale maximal entanglement and Majorana bound states in coupled circuit quantum
electrodynamic systems
M.-J. Hwang and M.-S. Choi
Physical Review B 87, 125404 (2013)
Variational study of a two-level system coupled to a harmonic oscillator in an ultrastrongcoupling
M.-J. Hwang and M.-S. Choi
Physical Review A 82, 025802 (2010)
Superconducting qubit coupled to torsional resonators
M.-J. Hwang, J.-H. Choi, and M.-S. Choi
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22, 355301 (2010)
Pair tunneling and shot noise through a single molecule in a strong electron-phonon coupling regime
M.-J. Hwang, M.-S. Choi, and R. Lopez
Physical Review B 76, 165312 (2007)
Practical scheme for non-postselection entanglement concentration using linear optical elements
M.-J. Hwang, and Y.-H. Kim
Physics Letter A 369, 208 (2007)