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Quantum Transport in Complex Oxides

Anisotropic Superconductivity at KTaO3 (111) Interfaces

Superconducting effects in 2D materials have been shown to host exotic states not found in higher dimensional systems. Most 2D superconductors are made from materials that are conducting in their normal state, such as Al thin films or more exotic systems like magic-angle graphene. Counterintuitively however, the interface of the insulators KTaO3 and LaSrMnO3 has been shown to host a superconducting electron gas with exotic properties. Work performed in the Finkelstein lab has measured the anisotropic transport properties of the superconducting state, hinting at the rich physics that could be present in this system. The kinetic inductance in this system is expected to be very extremely high due to the 2D nature whilst KTaO3 itself has a high dielectric constant(~4000) at low temperatures. Therefore we are able to modulate the superconducting state by applying a gate voltage, despite the high carrier density (~1013cm-2).These properties of high kinetic inductance and gate tunability make KTaO3 heterostructures a promising platform for a novel, scalable superconducting qubit system.
Transport measurements directed along different crystallographic directions. The increased critical temperature and critical field along the [112] direction relative to the [110] direction are strong indications of anisotropic superconductivity. The origin of these properties is not well understood and is subject to further research.
Cross section of a KTaO3/LaSrMnO3 heterostructure, imaged via HAADF-STEM. At this scale the individual atoms and the lattice strucure are visible. The 2D electron gas exists at the interface of the two insulators whilst the TiOx layers acts as protective layer against degradation.

This work is performed in collaboration with the Kumah Lab and Ahadi Lab at Duke University and Ohio State University respectively. The KTaO3 heterostructures are grown in an oxide molecular-beam epitaxy system whilst low temperature transport measurements are performed in a dilution refrigerator in the Finkelstien lab. Current research is directed towards fabricating devices in KTaO3 heterostructures which will be sensitive to the exotic superconducting state as well as devices that may have a more practical application, such as superconducting qubits. We are also exploring more novel oxide materials which may host more robust and exotic superconducting states.

Corresponding grad student: Jordan McCourt (

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