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Gleb Finkelstein

Professor of Physics

Professor of ECE

Duke University
Durham, NC 27708

Phone: 919 660 2523
Personal website

Graduate Students

Jordan McCourt

Entered 2019. Jordan is interested in the interface of superconducting states to topological phases, such as Integer Quantum Hall states in van der Waals heterostructures with a range of materials.

John Chiles

Entered 2020. Johnny is interested in thermal transport in quantum Hall systems, novel superconducting materials, and the manipulation of multi-terminal Josephson junctions for emulating topological materials and generating superconducting devices.

Chun-Chia Chen

Entered 2020. Chun-Chia is interested in the quantum Hall effect in graphene. His main focus is on the chiral Andreev edge states generated in graphene/superconductor system. Chun-Chia is also interested in interferometry and the magnon excitation in the quantum Hall regime.

Undergraduate Students

Ryan Henderson

Entered 2023. Ryan is interested in fabricating van der Waals heterostructures with AFM etched gates and in developing superconducting devices at complex oxide interfaces.

Former Members


Zubiar Iftikhar (2021-2024)
Francois Amet (2014-2015), now faculty at Appalachian State University
Sarah Goldberg (2009-2011), now a researcher at the Israel Institute of Technology
Yuriy Bomze (2006-2011), now the Lab Manager at Duke University
Ulas Coskun (2007-2009), now a researcher for ISS Inc.
Alexei Zhukov (2003-2005), now at the Institute of Solid State Physics, Russia

Graduate students:

Lingfei Zhao (2016-2022), now a postdoc at Duke (Crystal Noel’s group)
Ethan Arnault (2016-2022), now a postdoc at MIT and Raytheon (Dirk Englund and Kin Chung Fong’s groups)
Trevyn Larson (2016-2022), now a postdoc at NIST (advanced microwave photonics group)
Andrew Seredinski (2014-2020), now an assistant professor at Wentworth Institute of Technology
Ming-Tso Wei (2013-2018), now a senior engineer at Qualcomm
Anne Draelos (2012-2018), now a professor at Michigan
Chung-Ting Ke (2010-2017), now a professor at Academia Sinica in Taiwan
Matthew Meers (2014-2017), now a research technician at NCSSM
Mauricio Pilo-Pais (2009-2014), now a postdoc at LMU in Germany (Liedl’s group)
Ivan V Borzenets (2006-2012), now a professor at Texas A&M
Henok T Mebrahtu (2006-2012), now a researcher at Intel
Alex Makarovski (2001-2006), went on to a MFE at Carnegie-Mellon
Matthew Prior (2001-2006), now a Program Manager at Nonin Medical
Sung Ha Park (2001-2005), went on to a postdoc at Caltech. Now faculty at Sungkyunkwan University


Lindsay Chetkof (2024)
Stephen Wang (2024)
Jeree Murray (2023)
Liam Idrovo (2018)
Hongwei Huang (2019)
Bolaji Eniwaye (2015-2017), now a grad student at the University of Michigan
Avery Silverman (2014-2015)
Jiyingmei Wang (2014-2015), now a grad student at École Polytechnique
Steven Demers (2013-2014), now a grad student at Rice University
Zach Corse (2010)
Ryan Magee (2009)
Maxwell Thayer (2006-2009)
Paul Huang (2005-2009)
Jeremy Huang (2006-2007)
Vadzim Karpusenka (2004-2005), went on to grad school at NCSU
Scott Miller (2002-2003)