Capstone 2014 Registration Forms Available!

We are excited to inform you that we have opened registration for the FEMMES 2014 Capstone event!  We are conducting registration using an online form this year, and the forms in Spanish and English are available at the links below. The full registration packet is due by January 31, 2014. The event will be held this year on Saturday, February 22nd from 8:45 am-4:15 pm on Duke University’s West Campus.  This event is for 4th-6th grade Durham girls.

**Please note that this event is not the same as our Saturdays at Duke program, which goes on all semester. This is our annual, one-day event.
Online Spanish registration form: is on a first-come first-serve basis, so please submit the forms at your earliest convenience to assure a spot for your daughter(s). Please let us know if you have any questions!

Please note: When you submit the electronic registration form, you must still mail us the two legal releases (Legal Release and Lab Participation Agreement) attached to this post.
Please send the releases to the following address:
FEMMES c/o Abigail Larus
Duke University
Box 99838
Durham NC, 27708-9838
If your daughter is in the 7th grade or higher and is interested in becoming a junior counselor for this event, please email