Home » Year » 2009 » Bundling Donations to Charity with Product Purchases: A Business Incentives Model

Bundling Donations to Charity with Product Purchases: A Business Incentives Model

By Kassity Liu

This paper focuses on developing a business model that explains why certain companies would bundle their products with donations to charity. The model assumes that consumers are individuals that maximize their utility subject to their income and companies are agents that maximize their profits subject to prices and costs. The type of rm that we will focus on will be the monopoly. We will investigate the different situations where a monopoly might choose to engage in charity-linked product bundling and look at several factors that may lead to their decision to do so. These factors include: small vs. large prices, homogeneous vs. heterogeneous populations, and strong vs. weak consumer preferences for charitable donations. In the end, the model shows when a why a rm would choose to market a charity-linked product, even when it is the rm who pays for the entire price of the donation.

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Advisor: Huseyin Yildirim


Undergraduate Program Assistant
Matthew Eggleston

Director of the Honors Program
Michelle P. Connolly