September 15, 2016 / 2 Comments on 9/21/16 – Planning for Vet School
Our first meeting will be on Wednesday, September 21, at 6:00 pm in BioSci 073. Dr. Eason, our advisor, will be presenting on vet school requirements and planning. It’ll be a great opportunity to meet other pre-vets and ask any questions you might have about getting started, especially for first-years and sophomores! Please sign up on this Google Doc if you plan on attending. There will be food!
September 19, 2015 / Leave a comment
On Thursday, September 24, at 7:30 PM, the Full Frame Road Show will be screening a new documentary called Racing Extinction at the Duke Gardens. As a sort of informal way to meet other pre-vet students, we will be bringing free food to the screening and meeting up so we can enjoy the film together! The film will begin at dusk (between 8:00pm-8:30pm) and has a run time of 94 minutes.
The film is about endangered species and the next mass extinction, directed by Louie Psihoyos of The Cove. Dr. Stuart Pimm, who is a Doris Duke Professor of Conservation Ecology and a subject in the film, will be present to introduce the film and take questions. This should be a great opportunity, especially for anyone interested in wildlife and conservation!
Here are links to the film trailer and the Facebook event for more info:
November 15, 2014 / Leave a comment
Join PVS members this Monday (11/17/14) in BioSci 072A as we welcome, Ashley Mooney, a Duke 2014 alumna, to speak to the group before she leaves the country for veterinary school. She will be presenting valuable information and sharing advice about the vet school application process, and can likely answer many questions you may have!
October 16, 2014 / Leave a comment
Support the Pre-Vet Society today on Oct 17 on the BC Plaza from 1-4PM as we fundraise for The Boo Radley Foundation.
The Boo Radley Foundation is committed to increasing awareness of new diagnostic techniques and treatment options, providing information on clinical trials, and financially supporting dog owners who enroll their dogs in a clinical trial.
August 25, 2014 / Leave a comment
Learn more about Pre-Vet Society at the Activities Fair on East Campus Main Quad on August 29th from 4-6PM!
June 21, 2014 / Leave a comment
Currently there are no updates for the year.
Please check back here throughout the year or subscribe to our listserv (Duke Pre-Vet Society) on Duke Mailing List Manager.