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How to Volunteer

Orange County Animal Services

PAWS members are only allowed to volunteer in groups of 2 or more (max 8) AFTER being trained by a PAWS exec at one of our shelter trips. We offer opportunities to volunteer throughout the semester during our weekend shelter trips. Our shelter trips consist mostly of dog walking, but cat socializing and basic cleaning chores are also options. If you’d like to volunteer individually, please navigate to the OCAS website and complete the volunteer application here. You CANNOT say you are affiliated with PAWS if you choose to volunteer individually and you must commit to a certain number of hours a month (2 shifts/4 hours for a 3-month period).


  1. RSVP on Duke Groups for the day you are interested. (If RSVP is full, still complete the next steps as sometimes people drop out at the last minute :)).
  2. Fill out the Shelter Trip Interest form here to attend one of our service days.
  3. Fill out the OCAS Volunteer Club Application here.
      • You will make an account, sign the OCAS liability waiver, and watch the orientation video.
  4. Once you’ve completed all these steps, you will be contacted for confirmation and added to a GroupMe for your chosen shelter trip day!

Should you and a group of PAWS members volunteer on your own (AFTER being trained), all Uber/Lyft trips to the shelter will be reimbursed. 

Independent Animal Rescue

Volunteers help handle dogs and cats at adoption events in Durham and the Triangle. There is no training required!


  1. Go to the IAR volunteer application on their website here.
  2. Under “Comments”, please note that you are a Duke University student part of the organization Duke PAWS.
  3. Once you’ve completed the application please fill out this form!

What to do next

CHECK YOUR EMAIL! IAR will send you an email providing a link to their orientation document that you must review.

Check out the IAR calendar here for scheduled adoption events.

Transportation will be organized and reimbursed for volunteers for these events as well.

Animal Protection Society of Durham (APS)

In order to volunteer with APS, you will have to complete a brief application. You can volunteer with dogs, cats, or both (and even hamsters, guinea pigs, & other pocket pets!) APS asks that volunteers commit at least 8 hours a month to the shelter. If you can commit, please continue.


  1. Go to the APS volunteer application form here.
  2. Under “How did you hear about us?”, please note that you are a Duke University student part of the organization Duke PAWS.
  3. Under “Why do you want to volunteer for the APS?”, please include how many hours you can volunteer a month. 
  4. After you’ve filled out your volunteer application, please complete this form.

What to do next

CHECK YOUR EMAIL! APS will send you an email with an APS Volunteer Welcome Packet. This welcome packet will include a link to their orientation PDF, a shelter map, and more information on our volunteer roles.

*Dog enrichment requires no training*

Cat Volunteering

In order to volunteer with the cats, you will need to attend a cat training session first at the shelter. Once you’ve attended a cat training session, you can start volunteering with the cats!

Dates & times of available cat training are given to you after completing your application.

Dog Volunteering
There are two different ways you can volunteer with the dogs: Enrichment Activities or Dog Walking!
APS asks dog walkers to commit 8 hours a month (four 2-hour shifts). Dog walking training is available when other APS volunteer dog walkers are available. The schedule is done monthly and you can access it after submitting an application.