Political Theory Workshop hosts Arash Abizadeh

Nora Hanagan/ April 11, 2018/ Political Theory Workshop

McGill University Professor Arash Abizadeh presented a paper entitled, “Representation, Bicameralism, and Sortition: Reconstituting the Senate as a Randomly Selected Citizen Assembly.”  Professor Abizadeh’s specializes in both contemporary political theory and the history of political thought; his research focuses on questions of identity, nationalism and cosmopolitanism, as well as the relationship between rhetoric, passions and discourse.  His work has been published in Political Theory, American Political Science Review, and numerous other journals. He also has a book, Hobbes and the

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Pierre Rosanvallon gives public lecture on populism

Nora Hanagan/ March 20, 2018/ Lecture

Pierre Rosanvallon’s public lecture, “Populism and Democracy in the 21st Century,” discussed whether democracy has a future, given that the leading parties in many countries seem more interested in cultivating the interests and favor of the elite than with representing mass opinion. Professor Rosanvallon is an intellectual historian at the College de France.  He is the author of numerous books, including The Demands of Liberty: Civil Society in France since the Revolution (Harvard University Press, 2007), and Democracy Past and

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Stephen Macedo: Political Theory Workshop – March 1, 2018

Nora Hanagan/ February 28, 2018/ Political Theory Workshop

Diversity and Distrust: Civic Education in a Multicultural Democracy (Harvard University Press, 2003), and Liberal Virtues: Citizen, Virtue, and Community in Liberal Constitutionalism (Oxford University Press, 1990).On March 1, Professor Stephen Macedo gave a talk entitled: “Regulating Offensive Expression: The Roles of Self-Censorship, Social Norms, and Civility.” Professor Macedo is the Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Politics and the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University.  He is the author of Diversity and Distrust: Civic Education in a Multicultural Democracy

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Duke hosts graduate conference in political theory

Nora Hanagan/ January 30, 2018/ Conferences

The 2018 Graduate Conference in Political Theory took place on February 8-9.  This year’s graduate student presenters were: Yuna Blajer de la Garza (University of Chicago): “The Meek and Mighty: Two Models of Domination” Paul M.B. Gutirrez (Brown University): “Incorporating Land: Reassessing the Legal Origins of the Corporation in America” Ferris Lupino (Brown University): “American Stasiology: Racial Conflict Between the Rule of Law and Civil War” Pavlos Papadopoulos (University of Dallas): “Plato’s Model Educational Institution” Eraldo Santos (Pantheon-Sorbonne University): “The

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