Student Blog Post: Graduate Conference in Political Theory

Hira Shah/ March 23, 2020/ Conferences, Student Blogger

From February 6-7, 2020, Duke hosted its sixth annual Graduate Conference in Political Theory in Gross Hall. Following a highly competitive blind review process, graduate students from universities across the United States and Canada arrived to present papers on topics ranging from Mary Jo MacDonald’s “Gabrielle Suchon’s Reversals of Nature: Women’s Subjugation as a Natural Disaster” to Zachariah Black’s “Laughing with the Leviathan: Thomas Hobbes on the Political Potential of Laughter.” On Friday afternoon, all participants gathered in 230E Gross

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Ruth Grant: A Conference

Nora Hanagan/ November 25, 2019/ Conferences

In an essay discussing the relationship between political theory and political science, Duke Professor Emerita of Political Science Ruth W. Grant wrote that, “humanities research uses resources from the past to open possibilities, construct alternative, or generate new insights.”[1] This quote—intended to clarify the difference between humanistic and scientific inquiry—also sums up Grant’s scholarship, which explored John Locke’s contributions to liberal political thought, the meaning of evil, the ethics of incentives, and numerous other topics. Along with the Kenan Institute

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Frank addresses grad conference

Nora Hanagan/ February 15, 2019/ Conferences

“The engagement between our graduate student participants and faculty, as well as a terrific keynote speech by Professor Jason Frank of Cornell University,” were among the highlights of the 2019 Graduate Conference in Political Theory, according to graduate student and conference co-organizer Elliot Mamet. Professor Frank’s address was entitled, “The People as Popular Manifestation.” The Graduate Conference in Political Theory is an annual, student-run event that allows graduate students from around the world to present their research and receive feedback

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Duke hosts graduate conference in political theory

Nora Hanagan/ January 30, 2018/ Conferences

The 2018 Graduate Conference in Political Theory took place on February 8-9.  This year’s graduate student presenters were: Yuna Blajer de la Garza (University of Chicago): “The Meek and Mighty: Two Models of Domination” Paul M.B. Gutirrez (Brown University): “Incorporating Land: Reassessing the Legal Origins of the Corporation in America” Ferris Lupino (Brown University): “American Stasiology: Racial Conflict Between the Rule of Law and Civil War” Pavlos Papadopoulos (University of Dallas): “Plato’s Model Educational Institution” Eraldo Santos (Pantheon-Sorbonne University): “The

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