Frank addresses grad conference

Nora Hanagan/ February 15, 2019/ Conferences

“The engagement between our graduate student participants and faculty, as well as a terrific keynote speech by Professor Jason Frank of Cornell University,” were among the highlights of the 2019 Graduate Conference in Political Theory, according to graduate student and conference co-organizer Elliot Mamet. Professor Frank’s address was entitled, “The People as Popular Manifestation.”

The Graduate Conference in Political Theory is an annual, student-run event that allows graduate students from around the world to present their research and receive feedback from Duke faculty. As described by Mamet, “The conference offered an intellectually stimulating two days of discussion on cutting-edge work in political theory.”

2019 Graduate Student Presenters
Lucy Britt (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill): “Visualizing Violence: the Political Aesthetic of Bodily Vulnerability” • • Matthew Dahl (University of Notre Dame): “Laozi, Heidegger, and the Way of Comparative Political Theory” • • Darren Nah (Yale University): “Hegel on Religion, Education, and Modernity” • • Michelle K. L. Rose (Brown University): “American Insanity and the Taste for Domination” • • Anna Marisa Schon (University of Houston): “A People of Nations: Imagined Communities in the Vulgate” • • Thomas Worth (University of Wisconsin-Madison): “Towards a Roman Cosmopolitan International Relations Theory: Of, First Image Cosmopolitanism”

In addition to AVI, the conference was sponsored by the Duke Graduate School, the Department of Political Science, the Kenan Institute for Ethics, the Center for International and Global Studies, and the Franklin Humanities Institute.

Click on the schedule below for an overview of the conference.

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