Spring 2025 Rush
We’re the sisters of Duke alpha Kappa Delta Phi, the only Asian-interest (but not Asian exclusive!) sorority on campus. Thinking about rushing? Fill out this form (just to show interest, this is non-binding!) https://forms.gle/7kHVPuE57JAciNgKA, and we’ll reach out to you soon!
About Us
alpha Kappa Delta Phi is the largest and fastest-growing international Asian-interest sorority with 60+ chapters located at numerous universities across the United States and in Canada. Thousands of undergraduate and alumnae sisters support the rapidly growing network of strong and successful women in the organization. At Duke, aKDPhi is 16 years old – we have over 100 sisters, and counting!
Any Questions?
If you have any questions or just want to reach out, feel free to find and message us individually on FB or IG!
IMPORTANT: To qualify for an interview, you must attend 1 information session and 2 additional events. If you are unable to make the requirements, please reach out to one of the rush chairs so we can schedule an alternate event for you!
Stay Connected!
💫Interest Form: https://forms.gle/7kHVPuE57JAciNgKA
☕Coffee Chat: https://forms.gle/uMJfE8FrDxZVo84J8
Duke aKDPhi | IG: @dukeakdphi
Spring 2025 Rush Chairs:
Ting Ting (@tting_li_ )
Claire (@yli_claire)
Amaris (@amaris_wph
Rush is an opportunity for you to get a sense of what aKDPhi is all about here at Duke. Our sisters host a variety of events, giving girls the opportunity to get to know us and explore Greek life in a fun and relaxed setting.
All of our events are free and there is absolutely no obligation to join. Just come out to our events to learn about Duke aKDPhi and meet the sisters!
No! While we are Asian-interest, we are not Asian-exclusive! The promotion of Asian cultural awareness is only one of the five pillars we proudly uphold, with the others being sisterhood, scholarship, leadership, and service.
As an organization that seeks to promote cultural awareness, we hold the concept of equality in the highest regard. aKDPhi does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, age, national origin, or sexual orientation–we are an all-inclusive sorority. Any woman who shares similar interests and values is encouraged to join regardless of their own cultural identity. In fact, being composed of diverse backgrounds and lifestyles builds the sisterhood that we are so proud of.
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