The sisterhood of alpha Kappa Delta Phi creates a sense of belonging for womxn that nurtures life-long friendships, develops self-empowered leaders, and strengthens communities through service, scholarship, and Asian-Awareness.
aKDPhi envisions a worldwide network of respected, confident womxn who elevate each other and their communities through compassionate, purpose-driver leadership that ensures diversity, encourages innovation, and promotes collaboration.
alpha Kappa Delta Phi was established at the University of California at Berkeley in the fall of 1989, and recognized by the College Panhellenic Association on February 7, 1990. The fourteen founding sisters dedicated themselves to establishing a strong and lasting organization, which would provide Asian American women the opportunity to participate in the Greek system. Soon after being recognized by the College Panhellenic Association, the founding sisters brought together a diverse group of women who shared with them the goals of sisterhood, scholarship, and leadership. These ideals were to later set the foundation for alpha Kappa Delta Phi’s purpose.
The love and generosity that each member had for the organization was instrumental to the growth of alpha Kappa Delta Phi’s reputation as a sorority, as well as to the forging of unbreakable friendships. The sisterhood has since then spread to prominent university campuses across the country. To meet the needs of the growing sisterhood, the National Board of alpha Kappa Delta Phi was established in May of 1993 at the National Convention in Santa Barbara, California.
It is the sincere wish of the founding sisters that alpha Kappa Delta Phi continue to promote Asian Awareness in the community and leadership for women by providing each woman with the resources, unique sisterly support and understanding to achieve her goals in life.
On May 13, 2006, the 41st chapter of alpha Kappa Delta Phi was established by seven sophomores (Duke ’08) and six freshmen (Duke ’09), aided by their host chapter, the Johns Hopkins University, and their intake mom, Donna Wang Su of University of California, Santa Barbara. On May 29, 2011, Duke University alpha Kappa Delta Phi achieved Associate Chapter status at the National Convention in Buffalo, New York. On May 24, 2014, Duke University alpha Kappa Delta Phi achieved Full-Fledged Chapter status as the Alpha Beta Chapter of alpha Kappa Delta Phi at the National Convention in Orlando, Florida. As a group dedicated to the sorority’s values of sisterhood, scholarship, leadership, service, and Asian awareness, our sisters are active participants in a wide variety of campus activities, such as Duke Asian Student Association, Duke Business Oriented Women, DTech, and more. In addition, a large percentage of the sisters also hold jobs or do research at the Duke Hospital, VA Hospital, and various labs on campus.
The sisters of Duke University alpha Kappa Delta Phi are equally dedicated to our national philanthropy, breast cancer awareness. Each year, more than 240,000 women and 1,000 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States – that’s one person every three minutes. We support the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer research and education.
Each year, we continue to promote our pillars on campus. Look out for our annual Iris Week, Breast Cancer Awareness Week, and an array of cultural, service, and social events!
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