The Call for Applications for the Advanced Topics in Digital Art History : 3D (Geo)Spatial Networks Institute will open formally in October 2017, and will be open until January 8, 2018 (extended deadline). We anticipate notifying selected teams by March 15, 2018.
NOTE: If you have trouble with the application form, please send an email to stating your trouble and providing a link (google drive, dropbox etc.) containing your application info and files.
Please consult our list of anticipated Application Questions as you begin to pull together proposed teams and application materials. Teams may include a mixture of faculty and staff partners. It is expected that all team members will attend the full Institute, which will take place from June 4-15, 2018 in Venice, Italy. We also expect teams to plan to attend the one-week follow-up session in June 2019.
Financial support for team travel, housing and per diem costs will be provided through the generosity of the Getty Foundation. Details will be provided once we have a final count of applicants and their origin cities. While our goal is to minimize any out-of-pocket expenses for participants, applicants may also wish to explore possibilities for supplementary sources of funding to allow for a wider range of accommodations possibilities, etc. within the City of Venice.
After the Participating Teams have been selected, we will expect teams to provide us with follow-up information, sample project files, etc. related to their current projects. We will request this information so that we can shape some of the anticipated workshop activities around the specific needs and interests of our participants.